Who discovered Wake Island?

Who discovered Wake Island? History[edit] The island was first discovered in 1568 by a Spanish explorer who named it San Francisco. A British ship captained by Samuel Wake re-discovered it more than 200 years later in 1796, and the island was subsequently named after him. Why did the US want Midway Island? The United States […]

Are Diverging plates constructive?

Are Diverging plates constructive? In plate tectonics, a divergent boundary or divergent plate boundary (also known as a constructive boundary or an extensional boundary) is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other. Why is a divergent boundary also called a constructive boundary? At a divergent plate […]

Is Mount McKinley an active volcano?

Is Mount McKinley an active volcano? McKinley a Volcano? No. Mt. McKinley is a granitic pluton (a blob of magma or “lava” that has cooled and solidified beneath the surface at perhaps tens of kilometers down). Is Denali an extinct volcano? No. If Denali were a volcano, the mountain would show its hand with volcanic […]

How clean is the Providence River?

How clean is the Providence River? This spring the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) opened the lower third of the Providence River to quahogging on a conditional basis for the first time in more than 75 years. And experts say the river is clean enough to fish, too. Is Providence River freshwater? Narragansett […]

Do all lakes flow into the ocean?

Do all lakes flow into the ocean? Open lake. Because most of the world’s water is found in areas of highly effective rainfall, most lakes are open lakes whose water eventually reaches the sea. For instance, the Great Lakes’ water flows into the St. Lawrence River and eventually the Atlantic Ocean. Are lakes connected to […]

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