What coordinates are closest to the equator?

What coordinates are closest to the equator? GPS coordinates of Equator, Ecuador. Latitude: 0.0000 Longitude: -77.9885. What type of geographic coordinate is the equator? The 0° parallel of latitude is designated the Equator, the fundamental plane of all geographic coordinate systems. The Equator divides the globe into Northern and Southern Hemispheres….Length of a degree. Latitude […]

How much is a disability check in Nevada?

How much is a disability check in Nevada? According to the Nevada Department of Public Safety, there are an estimated 269,000 people in the state of Nevada over the age of five who have a form of disability….How Much You Could Earn Receiving Disability Benefits. SSI Federal Payment Standard Maximum Monthly Benefit Individual $ 783/Month […]

What are three factors used to identify cultural regions?

What are three factors used to identify cultural regions? Geographers categorize regions in two basic ways: physical and cultural. Physical regions are defined by landform (continents and mountain ranges), climate, soil, and natural vegetation. Cultural regions are distinguished by such traits as language, politics, religion, economics, and industry. Why is the Middle East considered a […]

How do you call the city of Las Vegas?

How do you call the city of Las Vegas? You can call the Customer Care Center at 702-229-CARE (2273). On Saturday and Sunday the phone line will help you with automated options. The city of Las Vegas Customer Care Center began during the Coronavirus pandemic as the Las Vegas Call Center to assist the community […]

What kind of noun is Las Vegas?

What kind of noun is Las Vegas? proper noun Las Vegas (proper noun) What is the possessive of Las Vegas? To create a possessive proper noun that ends in an s, just add an ‘ (apostrophe). We’re going to Lucas’ game tomorrow. Las Vegas’ airport is really busy tonight. What is the difference between concrete […]

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