Why is it important to consider your readers opinions when writing an argumentative research essay?

Why is it important to consider your readers opinions when writing an argumentative research essay?

Why is it important to consider your readers’ opinions when writing an argumentative research essay? So you know which kinds of information will best persuade your readers. D. So you can focus on topics your readers don’t find controversial.

Why is it important to consider your readers?

It is of extreme importance to consider your audience as you write. Also, considering your audience creates a greater possibility of readers, that understand what you are writing, and makes you a better writer.

What makes this a weak thesis for an argumentative research paper?

A weak thesis statement is often too broad or ambiguous, making it difficult for the reader to understand your position. Attempting to argue more than one point of view also weakens a thesis. For example, The border should be eliminated or expanded is a weak thesis statement.

What makes a weak thesis?

A strong thesis makes a claim that (1) requires analysis to support and evolve it and (2) offers some point about the significance of your evidence that would not have been immediately obvious to your readers. By contrast, a weak thesis either makes no claim or makes a claim that does not need proving.

How do you come up with a good research question?

Steps to developing a research question:Choose an interesting general topic. Most professional researchers focus on topics they are genuinely interested in studying. Do some preliminary research on your general topic. Consider your audience. Start asking questions. Evaluate your question. Begin your research.

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