Who was found in the Nile River?

Who was found in the Nile River?

John Hanning Speke
John Hanning Speke discovered the source of the Nile on August 3rd, 1858. John Hanning Speke, an army officer’s son from the West Country, was commissioned into the army of the East India Company in 1844 at the age of seventeen.

What is the deadliest animal in the Nile River?

The most dangerous animal in Egypt is the the Nile crocodile. The second largest crocodilian species on Earth, it’s thought to be responsible for up to 500 attacks and hundreds of human deaths each year.

What fish live in the Nile?

The commercially important fish are Nile perch ( Lates niloticus), Bagrid catfish (Bagrus bayad), Silver catfish (Bagruc docmac), Nile tilapia (Oreochromus niloticus), Carp fish (Labeo spp. ), Barbs fish (Barbus binny), Mormyrus fish (Mormyrus spp .), Nile Distichodus (Distichodus spp .), Tiger fish (Hydrocyon spp. )

Where do animals that live in the Nile live?

It lives in the Nile, but its habitat extends to the Middle East, Turkey, and a large part of Africa, especially lakes, rivers, and freshwater lagoons. In exceptional cases, it can inhabit the coasts and brackish waters.

What kind of fish live in the Upper Nile River?

Also known as the eel catfish, the mudfish is one of the few fish species capable of living in the Upper Nile. Catfish, in general, are known for their resilience, making them more likely than other species to survive in rivers with high rates of water pollution and habitat destruction.

How big are the Crocodiles in the Nile River?

They eat any big animal that comes to the river to drink and will hold the animal underwater until it drowns, and then eat it. The Nile crocodile can be as long as 20 feet and can weigh as much as 1,500 pounds. During the spring, female crocodiles lay their eggs which can come up to 70 eggs. After about 50 days, newborn crocodiles hatch.

What kind of turtles live in the Nile River?

African softshell turtles are found along the Nile in areas with sandy, smooth bottoms. They are highly adaptable and able to live in salty, brackish and fresh water habitats.

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