Where is CoSM Alex GREY?

Where is CoSM Alex GREY?

Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, Wappinger, New York; 2009–present Alex and Allyson Grey live permanently on the grounds, which also house a 10,000-square-foot guesthouse with cafe and gift-shop.

Where is Entheon located?

Entheon is the visionary art sanctuary at CoSM, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in Wappinger, New York. The purpose of Entheon is to empower the evolution of consciousness and advancement of the worldwide visionary art movement.

What does Alex GREY believe?

I have been a scholar of all religions, particularly Buddhism, for the past 25 years. We meditate. We are both approved ministers who counsel people regarding their spiritual and creative lives, officiate weddings, baby blessings, and attend to those grieving.

What does Entheon mean?

a place to discover the God within
WHAT IS ENTHEON? Entheon means a place to discover the God within. At CoSM, Entheon is the sanctuary of visionary art now under construction. The architecture of Entheon points to the transcendent unity of all religions. A continuous band of identical Godheads clad the structure.

How old is Alex Gray surfer?

Alex Gray was on the hunt for a very particular wave. The 29-year-old professional surfer from Palos Verdes lives to chase storms and far-flung swells in exotic locales, and earlier this year he had his sights set on Tahiti.

When did Alex GREY meet his wife?

At the Museum School, Alex met his life-long partner, the artist, Allyson Rymland Grey. At their meeting in 1975, an entheogenically induced mystical experience transformed his agnostic existentialism to a radical transcendentalism.

What does CoSM mean?

Cosm- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “world” or “universe.” In some cases, it represents “outer space.”

Is Entheon built?

At CoSM, Entheon is the sanctuary of visionary art now under construction. The architecture of Entheon points to the transcendent unity of all religions. The first exhibition at Entheon will be the entire series of twenty-one Sacred Mirrors plus thirty additional works of art by Alex Grey and Allyson Grey.

What are visual arts?

The visual arts are art forms such as painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, photography, video, filmmaking, design, crafts and architecture. Current usage of the term “visual arts” includes fine art as well as the applied or decorative arts and crafts, but this was not always the case.

Is Alex GREY a member of tool?

Grey learned anatomy by working to prepare cadavers for dissection at Harvard Medical School’s anatomy department, a position he held for five years. That same year, Grey was noticed by guitarist Adam Jones of the progressive metal band Tool, who later featured his artwork on their albums Lateralus and 10,000 Days.

Who are the founders of the chapel of Sacred Mirrors?

Alex Grey & Allyson Grey are co-founders & Ministers of CoSM. Foundation for the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors is a non-profit 501 (c)3 organization, formed in 1996 to create a permanent public exhibition of the Sacred Mirrors. The Church of Sacred Mirrors, CoSM, established in 2008, is an interfaith church.

What kind of art is in the Grey chapel?

Works of art by staff artists and volunteers include a labyrinth, a Wisdom Trail and a Sun Altar. In 1986, Allyson and Alex Grey had a vision that the Sacred Mirrors, along with other works of visionary art, should be housed in a contemporary Chapel and made available to the public.

How many copies of Alex Grey’s Sacred Mirrors?

The Sacred Mirrors have been displayed throughout the world and the book Sacred Mirrors: The Visionary Art of Alex Grey, translated into nine languages, has sold well over 100,000 copies.

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