What species are Wisconsin Fast plants?

What species are Wisconsin Fast plants?

Wisconsin Fast Plants are a rapid cycling variety of Brassica rapa that was initially developed as a research tool to improve the disease resistance of economically-valuable cruciferous crops.

What is a fast plant?

Fast Plants are a rapid-cycling form of the species Brassica rapa, a member of the mustard or cabbage family Cruciferae. Fast Plants and other members of this family are distinguished by characteristic flowers with four petals in the form of a cross or crucifix.

What do Wisconsin fast plants need to grow?

The life cycle for Fast Plants is extremely short; under ideal growing conditions of continuous light, water and nutrition, plants will produce harvestable seeds approximately 40 days after planting.

What are Wisconsin Fast plants sensitive to?

Fast Plants are a good choice for vegetation in the terrestrial system because they will respond quickly to the presence of salt. Their rapid life cycle also makes it easy to ob- serve the effects of salt at different stages of a plant’s development.

Are Wisconsin Fast plants invasive?

It can become an invasive weed. “Wisconsin Fast Plants” is a trade name for a set of varieties, developed specifically to provide plants that bloomed and made seed quickly for experiments. They are also called “rapid cycle” or “rapid cycling” because they go from seed to plant to seed in about 40 days.

What is the life cycle of Wisconsin Fast Plants?

The fast plant life cycle can be split into four stages: germination and emergence, growth and development, flowering and reproduction, and post-pollination. One to three days after planting, the seed’s embryonic root appears and seedlings sprout from the soil.

Where did the Wisconsin fast plant come from?

Wisconsin Fast Plants were developed as research tool at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and have been used by K-16 teachers around the world for nearly 30 years as an educational model-organism.

What makes a rosette plant Wisconsin fast plants?

Stem Length. The rosette mutant stock is Wisconsin Fast Plants™ stock that is homozygous for the recessive mutant gene, ros, a conditioning deficiency in gibberellin that results in a short, rosette plant form.

Are there any genetically engineered plants in Wisconsin?

Every one of the Wisconsin Fast Plants characterized genetic stocks is the result of selective breeding for desirable traits or phenotypes (also known as artificial selection ). No Fast Plants stocks are genetically engineered plants.

What kind of gene does Wisconsin fast plant have?

Leaf Color. The yellow-green gene (ygr) in Wisconsin Fast Plants™ determines whether the leaves will be yellow-green or green in color. In the homozygous, recessive form (ygr/ygr), the leaves appear a pale, yellow-green color (which is the “yellow-green leaf” phenotype).

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