What kind of whales can be found in Antarctica?

What kind of whales can be found in Antarctica?

The species of whale most commonly found in Antarctic waters: Right, Blue, Sei, Humpback, Minke, Fin, Sperm and Killer whales.

Are there whales around Antarctica?

Whales never breed in Antarctica, preferring the more temperate climates for their young. However, Antarctica is actually a hot spot for whales due to the rich pickings of marine food, including large numbers of krill!

Do Orcas migrate to Antarctica?

Orcas are the largest of all carnivores on earth that feed on a wide variety of foods, they are found in almost all oceans, from the tropics to the Arctic and Antarctic where they will go deep into the pack-ice to hunt seals and penguins.

How many killer whales are there in Antarctica?

Orcas, also known as killer whales, a Ross Sea regular Orcas, or killer whales, are highly social and intelligent whales found in every ocean, but most densely in the Southern Ocean. Their population is estimated to be between 25,000 – 27,000, making them the third most abundant cetacean in Antarctica.

Where do toothed whales live in the Antarctic?

Toothed Whales have teeth and generally pursue larger prey such as fish and squid. Many species of whale are found in the Antarctic region. Some spend all of their lives in the cold southern waters.

Are there any whales that are endangered in Antarctica?

In this list of Antarctic whales, the conservation status of each species is from the IUCN Red List. You can learn more about how endangered animals are classified here: Endangered Animals Facts. The Antarctic Minke Whale is a baleen whale.

Where are killer whales most likely to be found?

Orcas are the largest of all carnivores on earth that feed on a wide variety of foods, they are found in almost all oceans, from the tropics to the Arctic and Antarctic where they will go deep into the pack-ice to hunt seals and penguins. They are commonest in coastal waters and in cool temperate and sub polar seas.

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