What is the phone code for Western Australia?

What is the phone code for Western Australia?

Area codes

Area code Region State or territory
03 South East Victoria, Tasmania
04 Mobile telephones Australia-wide
07 North East Queensland
08 Central and West Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory

What is the dialing code for Perth Australia?

61 is the international code used to dial to Australia. 8 is the local area or city code used to dial to Perth.

How can I search a mobile number?

Here we take a look at 9 ways to find your mobile number from your SIM.

  1. Enter a Special Code.
  2. Call a Friend.
  3. Call Customer Services.
  4. Check Your Phone Settings.
  5. Look in Your Numbers.
  6. Check Your SIM Card Packaging.
  7. Visit a Store.
  8. Find a Bill or Contract.

Do I have to pay to call someone in Australia?

With rates ranging from $0.01/min and up to $4.00 per minute on some carriers, you can get a great deal on your calls to Australia. To give you an idea on the difference, a one hour call to Australia on the cheapest rates at $0.01/min is $0.60 for the call vs $240 for the call on the most expensive rates!

How do you call Australia from United States?

Next, dial the country code for Australia, which is 61. Follow the exit and country codes with the city code for the area you are calling, which you can find online, or dial 4 if you are calling a cell phone. Finally, dial your party’s personal 9-digit phone number.

What is the country code to call Australia?

For international calls, each country has its own code to direct the call. The Australian country code is 61. Dial “61” to direct your call to Australia.

How do you call a landline in Australia?

Calling Australian landline phones is quite easy. Once you get the phone number, just remember the order in which to dial the codes. A great way to avoid dial codes in the incorrect order is to program frequently dialed Australian phone numbers into your phone. Calling a mobile phone in Australia is very similar to calling a landline in Australia.

What is the exit code for Australia from the US?

Dialing the exit code is something American callers use for every international call, including Australia. The exit code is 011. With all international calling, including calling Australia from the US, the first numbers dialed are 011.

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