What is the longitude of Rio de Janeiro?

What is the longitude of Rio de Janeiro?

22.9068° S, 43.1729° W
Rio de Janeiro/Coordinates

What is the approximate latitude and longitude of Rio de Janeiro Brazil?

GPS coordinates of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Latitude: -22.9032 Longitude: -43.1729.

What is the latitude in degrees minutes and seconds of Rio de Janeiro Brazil?

Rio de Janeiro is located at latitude -22.90642 and longitude -43.18223. It is part of South America and the southern hemisphere….Latitude and longitude of Brazil.

System Latitude Longitude
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS) 22°54’23.1” S 43°10’56” W

What is the longitude of Brazil?

14.2350° S, 51.9253° W
Brazil’s Latitude and Longitude When it comes to Brazil, the GPS coordinates of Brazil are 14.2350° S and 51.9253° W. The first point is the latitude of Brazil, placing Brazil in the southern hemisphere. The second point, known as the longitude, means that the country is positioned in the western hemisphere.

What is Rio de Janeiro best known for?

Rio de Janeiro is one of the most visited cities in the Southern Hemisphere and is known for its natural settings, Carnival, samba, bossa nova, and balneario beaches such as Barra da Tijuca, Copacabana, Ipanema, and Leblon.

What is the latitude and longitude of Rio de Janeiro?

DMS latitude longitude coordinates for Rio de Janeiro are: 22°54’10.01″S, 43°12’27″W. • Latitude position: Equator ⇐ 2547km (1582mi) ⇐ Rio de Janeiro ⇒ 7461km (4636mi) ⇒ South pole.

What are the coordinates of Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro?

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: -22.970722, -43.182365. Copacabana is a central district of Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Brazil, famous with its amazing beach and luxury lifestyle.

Which is the most famous district of Rio de Janeiro?

Copacabana is a central district of Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Brazil, famous with its amazing beach and luxury lifestyle. There are other famous attractions, of course, including the Fort of Copacabana, the promenade and some historic buildings.

Which is the largest favela in Rio de Janeiro?

Rocinha Rocinha(little farm) is the largest favela in Brazil, and is located in Rio de Janeiro’s South Zone between the districts of São Conrado and Gávea. Rocinha is built on a steep hillside overlooking Rio de Janeiro, and is located about one kilometre … Show in mapShow coordinates Rio de Janeiro–Galeão International Airport

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