What is ilocano of Salamat?

What is ilocano of Salamat?

Salamat means thank you in ilocano agyamanak.. There is no definite word for thank you in Ilocano. It’s closest equivalent is “agyamanak” which roughly translates to “I am blessed.” It can also be “pagyamanak nga pirmi” which is the nigh-equivalent of thank you very much.

How do you say thank you very much in ilocano?

Agyamanak unay! – Thank you very much!

What’s thank you in ilocano?

Useful phrases in Iloko

English Iloco (Iloko / Ilocano)
Sorry Agpakawanak Pakawanennak Dispensar
Thank you Agyamanak
Reply to thank you Awan ania man
Where’s the toilet / bathroom? Sadino ti banio? Ayanna ti banio?

What is Agyamanak?

agyamanak. thank you. thank you is used in Filipino. The word agyamanak is used in Filipino meaning thank you.

What does Agyamanak mean in Ilocano?

– Agyamanak!

What is Gago in Ilocano?

One may also ask, what is Gago in Ilocano? adj. gago/ gaga, stupid, foolish (colloq), stuttering, stammering, pronouncing badly [var.

What does Kabsat mean in Ilocano?

kabsat. English Word: Definition: brother. a male offspring having both parents in common with another offspring.

What does the Tagalog phrase thank you, Ilocos mean?

The given Tagalog phrase has an exact translation of “Thank you, Ilocos, for the fun that you showed me,” and this English translation is the basis of the given Ilocano translation. “Agyamanak” means “thank you”. “Ragsak” means “fun”, or “happiness”.

What is thank you very much in Ilocano?

Salamat means thank you in ilocano agyamanak.. Thank you very much,I hope you are satisfied..?????? Similarly, it is asked, what is Mahal in Ilocano? In general, the word “mahal” is a term of endearment, but may be extended a bit depending on context. The closest english counterpart that I can think of is “darling”.

What are some good phrases to say in Ilocano?

Basic Phrases in Ilocano. These are some basic Ilocano phrases. Let me us know if you need any assistance. Thank you. 1. Kumusta! coo – moose -tah. You say this to say “hi” and to say “how are you” in Ilocano. 2.

Which is the correct way to say thank you in the Philippines?

Salamat is the Filipino word for “thank you.” You may want to use a more formal phrase to express your gratitude, in this case salamat po is more appropriate.

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