What does line of longitude represent?

What does line of longitude represent?

Longitude lines are a numerical way to show/measure how far a location is east or west of a universal vertical line called the Prime Meridian. This Prime Meridian line runs vertically, north and south, right over the British Royal Observatory in Greenwich England, from the North Pole to the South Pole.

Which represents lines of latitude?

On this image of the Earth, the horizontal (blue) lines represent lines of latitude and the vertical (pink) lines represent lines of longitude. The horizontal gray line represents the equator and the vertical gray line represents the Prime Meridian; both of these lines represent 0 degrees.

What is line of latitude and longitude?

To find out how far north or south a place is, lines of latitude are used. These lines run parallel to the Equator. To find out how far east or west a place is, lines of longitude are used. These lines run from the top of the Earth to the bottom.

What is the another name for lines of latitude?

Lines of latitude are called parallels. Maps are often marked with parallels and meridians, creating a grid. The point in the grid where parallels and meridians intersect is called a coordinate. Coordinates can be used to locate any point on Earth.

How are lines of longitude related to the equator?

Every line of longitude also crosses the equator. Because longitude lines are not parallel, they are known as meridians. Like parallels, meridians name the specific line and indicate the distance east or west of a 0° line. Meridians converge at the poles and are farthest apart at the equator (about 69 miles (111 km) apart).

What is the name of the 0 degrees of longitude line?

A: Quick Answer. Prime meridian is the name of the line that marks 0 degrees of longitude. The prime meridian marks the beginning reference point for making measurements in the eastward and westward directions.

Is the Prime Meridian a line of longitude or latitude?

A prime meridian is a meridian (a line of longitude) in a geographic coordinate system at which longitude is defined to be 0°. Together, a prime meridian and its anti-meridian (the 180th meridian in a 360°-system) form a great circle.

Which is the reference point for longitude in the world?

To avoid confusion, the world’s nations have agreed that the Prime Meridian, which passes through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England, will serve as that reference point and be designated as zero degrees. Because of this designation, longitude is measured in degrees west or east of the Prime Meridian.

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