What are words starting with M?

What are words starting with M?


  • macaques.
  • macaroni.
  • macarons.
  • macaroon.
  • maccabaw.
  • maccaboy.
  • maccoboy.
  • What Italian words start with H?


  • Hong Kong.
  • Honolulu.
  • honoris causa.
  • hooligan.
  • host.
  • hostess.
  • hot dog.
  • What are the 1000 most common words in Italian?

    Our list of the 1000 most common words in Italians below:

    Number Italian in English
    1 come as/like
    2 io I
    3 il suo his
    4 che that

    Is the letter K used in Italian?

    Italian aglio /ˈaʎʎo/). The letter ⟨k⟩ is not in the standard alphabet and exists only in unassimilated loanwords, although it is often used informally among young people as a replacement for ⟨ch⟩, paralleling the use of ⟨k⟩ in English (for example, ke instead of che).

    Widely used phrases

    17-letter words that start with m. multidisciplinary. multigenerational. microdermabrasion. magnetoresistance. macroglobulinemia. methylnaphthalene. mineralocorticoid.

    How many letters are there in the Italian alphabet?

    Learn Italian – The 21 letters of the Italian Alphabet (plus the 5 letters used in foreign words) (*) The Italian alphabet does not normally include the letters J, K, W X and Y, but since there are some words derived from other languages that are normally used in Italy (as well as personal names), we included these letters in here.

    What are the most common words in Italian?

    Il programmatore ha usato il computer. The programmer used the computer. La donna fa i lavori di casa. The woman does housework. La coppia sta ridendo di una barzelletta. The couple is laughing at a joke. La domestica sta facendo il letto in una stanza dell’albergo. The maid is making the bed in a hotel room. I turisti hanno visto il tramonto.

    What are some words that start with the letter a?

    accetta – hatchet. acero – maple. aceto – vinegar. adagio – slowly. addome – abdomen. abbacchio – spring lamb. affardellare – to bundle together, to pack. affinché – so that; in order that. affittacamere – landlord.

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