What are the 4 factors that influence climate in Canada?

What are the 4 factors that influence climate in Canada?


  • Latitude. It depends on how close or how far it is to the equator.
  • Ocean currents. Certain ocean currents have different temperatures.
  • Wind and air masses. Heated ground causes air to rise which results in lower air pressure.
  • Elevation. The higher up you are, the colder and drier it will be.
  • Relief.

    What factors can influence climate in the US and Canada?

    The factors that influence climate are:

    • pressure and wind.
    • ocean currents.
    • mountain barriers.
    • latitude.
    • altitude.
    • land and water distribution [how close to or far from a large body of water]
    • storms.

      What are the 4 influences on climate?

      Although many factors combine to influence weather, the four main ones are solar radiation, the amount of which changes with Earth’s tilt, orbital distance from the sun and latitude, temperature, air pressure and the abundance of water.

      Which factors influences the climate in the United States?

      There are lots of factors that influence our climate

      • Elevation or Altitude effect climate. Normally, climatic conditions become colder as altitude increases.
      • Prevailing global wind patterns.
      • Topography.
      • Effects of Geography.
      • Surface of the Earth.
      • Climate change over time.

        What are the 6 factors that affect climate in Canada?

        There are six major natural climate factors: air masses and winds, latitude, ocean currents, elevation, relief, and bodies of water. Some are global factors that affect all parts of Earth.

        What are the factors that determine climate?

        The two most important factors in the climate of an area are temperature and precipitation. The yearly average temperature of the area is obviously important, but the yearly range in temperature is also important.

        What are the six major controls of the climate?

        There are six major controls of the climate of an area. These factors are latitude, elevation, nearby water, ocean currents, topography, vegetation, and prevailing winds.

        What are the six things that affect climate?

        The six factors that affect (influence) the temperature are: (1) elevation (altitude), (2) latitude, (3) proximity of large bodies of water, (4) ocean currents, (5) proximity of mountain ranges (topography), (6) prevailing and seasonal winds.

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