What age do children go to school in Afghanistan?

What age do children go to school in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan’s compulsory primary education program generally began at age seven and included six years of schooling. The primary education program took six years (ages seven to twelve). UNESCO reported that only 35 percent of school-aged boys and 19 percent of school-aged girls were attending primary schools in 1990.

When did girls go to school in Afghanistan?

In 1996 the Taliban regime restricted education for females, and the madrassa (mosque school) became the main source of primary and secondary education. About 1.2 million students were enrolled in schools during the period of Taliban rule, with fewer than 50,000 of them girls.

Do kids in Afghanistan have to go to school?

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Nearly half of war-torn Afghanistan’s 18,000 schools lack proper buildings and an estimated 3.7 million school-aged children are still out of school — despite massive investment in the country’s education sector, the World Bank says. “They study in open area,” he told The Associated Press.

When does the school year start in Afghanistan?

The school year extends from early March to November in the cold areas and from September to June in the warmer regions. The school-aged population in Afghanistan is 6,650,000. In addition to the secular public education system, the traditional Islamic madrassa school system is functioning.

What’s the average amount of Education in Afghanistan?

Education is free at all levels. Primary education lasts for six years and is theoretically compulsory for 6 years, but only 53% of boys and 5% of girls were enrolled in elementary school in 2002. Boys and girls are schooled separately. A teacher has on average 58 pupils in an elementary school classroom,…

Why are so many children out of school in Afghanistan?

An estimated 3.7 million children are out-of-school in Afghanistan – 60% of them are girls. The underlining reasons for low girls’ enrolment is insecurity and traditional norms and practices related to girls’ and women’s role in the society. Other reasons can be explained in part by a lack of female teachers, especially in rural schools.

Where do street kids in Afghanistan go to school?

Nasim and the other “street kids” attend a school in Kabul where they hope their ambitious attitudes will help them live a happier life one day. Children of all ages in Afghanistan are in the streets begging for work in hopes of bringing their family a better life.

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