How long until you can drive siblings?

How long until you can drive siblings?

During the first 12 months after getting a license, they cannot drive other teens unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, a licensed driver age 25 or older, or a licensed or certified driving instructor. They may drive siblings to school, for example, but a note is recommended.

Can you drive your friends at 17?

Teens cannot drive with other passengers who are under the age of 20 years old. The only exceptions include if there is someone over the age of 25 years old in the vehicle or if the 12-month waiting period has passed.

Can I drive with my little brother?

Can I drive my little brother to…? Yes, immediate family members and other family members living at the same address can all drive together. It is the only exception where you can be in a car with those under the age of 18 without someone 21 years or older.

Can a 14 year old drive in California?

The Junior Permit is for California residents who are at least 14 but less than 18 years of age and can show a present hardship that requires them to drive alone. These hardships can sometimes include: An illness in the family.

Can you drive alone at 16?

Even though you can legally drive alone after you are 16 years old, you need to have a provisional driver’s license for six months prior. Check with your state, but most provisional licenses come with restrictions, such as: Having any passenger under 20 years old in the car for the first year.

Can I Drive my sister’s car with my provisional license?

EDIT CORRECTION : If you have a provisional (under 18) drivers license (not a learner’s permit to drive), then YES YOU CAN legally drive the car while your siblings are with you, regardless of your age.

Can you legally drive your siblings?

So, no, you cannot legally drive your siblings unless they are 18 or over and teaching you to drive. If you pass the test at age 16 you can legally drive anyone at any age. No—not while you are under 18.

Can I Drive my sister’s car if I’m under 18?

If you have a provisional (under 18) drivers license (not a learner’s permit to drive), then YES YOU CAN legally drive the car while your siblings are with you, regardless of your age. But ONLY if the car you are driving has the type of driving insurance that includes you, whether specifically by name or in a more general way.

Can you legally drive your siblings with a learner permit in California?

, lives in California. When you have your “learners permit” in Ca at age 15 or 15 1/2….you cannot legally drive alone without an adult supervising you. The permit is only used when an adult is teaching you how to drive. So, no, you cannot legally drive your siblings unless they are 18 or over and teaching you to drive.

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