How do you say but in different ways?

How do you say but in different ways?

Synonyms for butalthough.however.nevertheless.on the other hand.still.though.yet.

What can you say instead of but to start a sentence?

“Yet” can often replace “but” in a sentence without changing anything else, as both are coordinating conjunctions that can introduce a contrast. Alternatively, you could use one of these subordinating conjunctions: Although (e.g., I like Brian May, although I find his hair ridiculous.)

What is must have in grammar?

The modal verb must has two past tense forms: had to and must have….“Had to” vs. “must have”Must, have topresentpastWhen expressing obligation, we say: I must go. or I have to go.When expressing obligation, the past of must and have to is always had to: I had to wash my car yesterday . We had to go to bed at 8 o’clock when we were kids.1 more row

How do you use should and must in a sentence?

We use have to / must / should + infinitive to talk about obligation, things that are necessary to do, or to give advice about things that are a good idea to do. Must and have to are both used for obligation and are often quite similar. They are both followed by the infinitive. I must go now. / I have to go now.

Where we should use must?

Must is used to express obligation, give orders and give advice. It can only be used for present and future reference. When the past is involved, you use have to.

Should I use usage in grammar?

Should is an auxiliary verb – a modal auxiliary verb. We use should mainly to: give advice or make recommendations. talk about obligation.

Can vs Can grammar?

Can, like could and would, is used to ask a polite question, but can is only used to ask permission to do or say something (“Can I borrow your car?” “Can I get you something to drink?”). Could is the past tense of can, but it also has uses apart from that–and that is where the confusion lies.

Can grammar rules?

Auxiliary verb can (positive) – can’t (negative) use Use ‘can’ to talk about possibility. Always use can with another verb. I can = I know to do something. / I know that something is possible for me. Future: Use can if you are deciding now what to do in the future.

What would Grammar?

Would is an auxiliary verb – a modal auxiliary verb. We use would mainly to: talk about the past. talk about the future in the past.

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