How do you interpret an ACE score?

How do you interpret an ACE score?

If the ACE score is 1-3 without ACE-Associated Health Conditions, the patient is at “intermediate risk” for toxic stress. If the ACE score is 1-3 and the patient has at least one ACE-associated condition, or if the ACE score is 4 or higher, the patient is at “high risk” for toxic stress.

Is an ACE score of 5 high?

As your ACE score increases, so does the risk of disease, social, and emotional problems….What does your ACE score mean?

Having a serious problem working

Is toxic stress a trauma?

Trauma is the emotional, psychological, and physiological residue left over from heightened levels of toxic stress that accompanies experiences of danger, violence, significant loss, and life-threatening events.

What is a bad childhood?

I define a ‘bad childhood’ as knowing that your emotional, physical, and/or sexual safety was not guaranteed by your caretakers. Once a child feels unsafe like this, his priority must be to manage his parent’s feelings and behavior – instead of focusing on his own development.

What is considered a high ace level?

The normal range for ACE is less than 40 nmol/mL/min. Higher levels of ACE may mean that you have sarcoidosis.

What is a high ACEs score?

People with an ACE score of 6 or higher are at risk of their lifespan being shortened by 20 years. ACEs are responsible for a big chunk of workplace absenteeism, and for costs in health care, emergency response, mental health and criminal justice.

What does an ACEs score of 7 mean?

If you score 7 on the ACE test, even if you are a person who does not drink, smoke, or overeat (in other words, who doesn’t have behaviors that contribute to heart disease), you have a predictive risk of ischemic heart disease that is 360% higher than those with an ACE score of 0.”

What constitutes a high ACE score?

What are 5 signs or symptoms of traumatic toxic stress?

Emotional and behavioral signs: Anxiety, guilt, denial, grief, fear, irritability or Intense anger, emotional outbursts, depression, withdrawal, panic, feeling hopeless or overwhelmed, difficulty sleeping, changes in sexual behavior, excessive alcohol consumption, and/or temporary loss or increase of appetite.

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