How did Eastern Africa differ from Western Africa?

How did Eastern Africa differ from Western Africa?

East Africa is considerably more ethnically and genetically diverse than west Africa which is on the other hand linguistically diverse. East African peoples especially from the east african community exhibit the most heterogenous genetic diversity on earth…

What’s the difference between East and West Africa?

West Africa is the portion roughly west of 10° east longitude, excluding Northern Africa and the Maghreb. West Africa contains large portions of the Sahara Desert and the Adamawa Mountains. East Africa stretches from the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa to Mozambique, including Madagascar.

What did West Africa trade?

A profitable trade had developed by which West Africans exported gold, cotton cloth, metal ornaments, and leather goods north across the trans-Saharan trade routes, in exchange for copper, horses, salt, textiles, and beads. Later, ivory, slaves, and kola nuts were also traded.

How did trade start in East Africa?

Trade in the East African interior began in African hands. In the southern regions Bisa, Yao, Fipa, and Nyamwezi traders were long active over a wide area. By the early 19th century Kamba traders had begun regularly to move northwestward between the Rift Valley and the sea.

What ethnicity is West African?

Major ethnic groups

Major ethnic groups Region Language family
Amhara Horn of Africa Afro-Asiatic, Semitic
Chewa Central Africa Niger–Congo, Bantu
Fulani West Africa Niger–Congo, Senegambian
Hausa West Africa Afro-Asiatic, Chadic

What is the difference between Africa and West Africa?

South Africa is the name of one country located at the southern most tip of the African continent. Whereas West Africa is mostly a jungle and bordered by Sahara desert on the north.

Is East Africa richer than West Africa?

East Africa is leading the continent with GDP growth estimated at 5.7 percent in 2018, followed by North Africa at 4.9 percent, West Africa at 3.3 percent, Central Africa at 2.2 percent, and Southern Africa at 1.2 percent.

Where were slaves from East Africa taken?

“Eight million Africans were brought from East Africa via the Trans-Saharan route to Morocco or Egypt. A further nine million were deported to regions on the Red Sea or the Indian Ocean.”

How did trade develop in West Africa?

With the use of camels trade routes began to form between cities across the Sahara Desert. Islamic traders entered the region and began to trade for gold and slaves from Western Africa. The trade routes remained an important part of the African economy throughout the Middle Ages until the 1500s.

How many years did the NOK thrive in West Africa?

The Nok culture (1500 BCE – 200/300 BCE) would develop. and vanished under unknown circumstances around 500 AD, thus having lasted approximately 2,000 years.

Why was trade so important to East African cultures?

The city-states along the eastern coast of Africa made ideal centers of trade. An important attraction was the gold obtained from inland kingdoms. The gold was needed mainly for coins, although it was also used for works of art, ornamentation on buildings, and jewelry.

What impact did trade have on East Africa?

How did trade affect the peoples of East Africa? It expanded their territory and increased the creation of city-states. It also brought business for other important goods needed in the area.

What was the difference between the west and East African slave trade?

Perhaps the West African slave trade was more “professionalized” and thus able to export more slaves per year because each European power had its own territory and business venture clearly defined. In comparison, the East African trade was lower impact, but sustained for longer.

Where does most of Africa’s trade take place?

Trade with Asia has expanded Africa’s trade geography which has seen a shift from Europe to Asia. With its size and economic development, the European Union remains the biggest single customer for Africa. It accounted for more than 30% of Africa’s global trade in 2015 though this is down from 40% in 2000.

Why was the Atlantic slave trade used in Africa?

Slave practices in Africa were used during different periods to justify specific forms of European engagement with the peoples of Africa. Eighteenth century writers in Europe claimed that slavery in Africa was quite brutal in order to justify the Atlantic slave trade.

Why is trade growth so weak in Africa?

The low use of new technology in Africa has slowed structural transformation and extended dependence on commodity exports and a limited export base. Thus, despite strong growth in global trade flows, Africa’s trade growth has been weaker than other regions.

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