Can you have a kinkajou as a pet?

Can you have a kinkajou as a pet?

Kinkajous. These small, rainforest-dwelling animals may be cute — but making one your pet is a bad idea. Kinkajous are wild animals that have been known to scratch, bite, and injure their owners. Beyond the health risk for humans, owning a kinkajou is bad for the animal, too.

Are monkeys legal in California?

Monkeys. While monkeys are allowed as pets in neighboring Arizona and Nevada (with a license in the former), they are illegal to keep as pets in California.

Is a kinkajou a monkey?

Looking a bit like a monkey, kinkajous are often mistakenly called primates. They do have many traits and features like those of primates. But kinkajous are carnivores in the family Procyonidae, which includes raccoons, coatis, ringtails, and olingos.

Can I buy a finger monkey in California?

Monkeys, ferrets and snapping turtles are among the animals that are illegal as pets in California – but people try to keep them anyway, judging from the number of exotic creatures that end up with local or state animal-control authorities, rehabilitation centers, and private zoos.

Do you need a license to own a kinkajou?

Is It Legal to Own a Pet Kinkajou? Kinkajous are legal in several states, but it’s still important to know your local ordinances, which can differ from the state law. Many areas require a permit to keep a kinkajou. And rental properties or homeowners associations often have restrictions for exotic pets.

Is it legal to have a kinkajou as a pet?

If your state allows this particular exotic animal, you still have to ensure your local government will welcome him; not all municipalities mimic state regulations. If your local government OKs your kinkajou, keep in mind your landlord or housing association may not. Owning a kinkajou is not like having a more traditional house pet.

Where do the kinkajous live in Central America?

Kinkajous range from east and south of the Sierra Madres in Mexico, throughout Central America to Bolivia east of the Andes and the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil. Their altitudinal range is from sea level to 2500 m.

Are there vets that take care of kinkajous?

Kinkjou care is similar to cat or dog care, and similar vaccinations and vet visits are appropriate. The reality, however, is that few vets will have experience working with kinkajous, so it’s important to locate the right vet before purchasing your pet.

Where can I find a cute little kinkajou?

Close-up of kinkajou climbing on tree branch. The cute little kinkajou is found naturally in tropical forests in Central and South America. Monkey-like in behavior, but actually related to the raccoon, this little fellow passes much of his time in trees.

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