Can I visit Rishi Valley School?

Can I visit Rishi Valley School?

This place was also declared as bird preserve center in 1991. Rishi Valley is also famous for a large banyan tree, one of the oldest in India. The magnificent tree is in the stage of decay and has already lost several of its main branches. Visitors can go around the school during school holidays.

What is the fees of Rishi Valley School?

The cost of supporting a student at Rishi Valley School is Rs. 4,00,000/- per annum. The cost of sponsoring a student at the Rural Education Centre or any one of its Satellite Schools is Rs. 15,000/- per annum.

How do I become a teacher in Rishi Valley School?

We invite suitably qualified persons-in the areas listed below-to apply for joining our educational endeavour.

  1. Subject: English. Standards: 6 to 8.
  2. Subject: English/History. Standards: 9 to 12.
  3. Subject: Chemistry. Standards: 9 to 12.
  4. Subject: Physics. Standards: 9 to 12.
  5. Subject: Computer Science.
  6. Subject: Science/Geography.

How do I get a job at Rishi Valley School?

A postgraduate degree in the subject is preferable. A teacher training degree and prior experience are desirable, though not essential. The total emoluments at the start of the scale are about 6,000/-(including a journey and book allowance).

How can I get admission in Rishi Valley School?

Admission Process The application form is available on the school website. The application must be submitted with a demand draft of 1000, payable at the Rishi Valley School, Madanapalle, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, 517352. The entry points at the school are grade 4, 5 and 6.

When did Rishi Valley school start?

Rishi Valley School/Founded

What is the name of the school in Rishi Valley?

Lion Rock at Rishi Valley Rishi Valley Education Centre is run by Krishnamurti Foundation, India. The site of the school, chosen by Krishnamurti for its remarkable atmosphere of peace and serenity, is an undulating landscape of fields, rain-fed streams and scattered villages, surrounded by ancient granite hills with striking rock formations.

How to get admission in Rishi Valley education centre (KFI)?

To be eligible for admission into grade 4 at Rishi Valley Education Centre (KFI), the child needs to be minimum 9 years old. An application shall need to be made by paying the applicable fee. Your Question needs to be at least 30 characters long.

How is the hostel life at rsrishi Valley School?

Rishi Valley School is ranked the country’s most respected legacy boarding school in the EW India School Rankings every year. There are 20 small hostels each of which accommodates a number ranging from 12 to 22 students. Boys and girls belonging to classes IV and V live together with older girls of classes VI and VII in the same house.

What are the traditions and cultures unique to Rishi Valley?

There are traditions and cultures unique to Rishi Valley.Some practices that the school has maintained for over fifty years are the morning assembly, Asthachal and folk dancing. During the morning assembly, three times a week, the entire school gathers for singing.

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