Where does most of the population of the United States live?

Where does most of the population of the United States live?

98% of the US population lives in the Contiguous United States. About 12% of the US population lives in California and 0.17% in Wyoming. The most densely populated state is New Jersey, followed by Puerto Rico (not a state) and Rhode Island.

What is the most populated region of the US?


Region Population Percentage
Northeast 56,059,240 17.2%
Midwest 68,126,781 21%
West 77,257,329 23.8%
South 123,542,189 38%

How many people live in the United States of America?

More than 330 million people live in the United States, but that doesn’t mean the population is distributed evenly. Far from it. Using the latest US Census data, we determined that just nine states — California, Texas, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Georgia and Florida — account for half of the entire US population.

Where does half of the US population live?

Close icon Two crossed lines that form an ‘X’. It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification. Using Census data, we’ve figured out that half of the United States population is clustered in just the 146 biggest counties out of over 3000. Here’s the map, with said counties shaded in.

How many people live near the US Coast?

What percentage of the American population lives near the coast? As of 2014, nearly 40% of the population lived in counties on the coast. Though home to almost 40% of the U.S. population, coastal areas account for less than 10% of the total land in the contiguous United States. In the U.S., 127 million people live in coastal counties.

What’s the population of the 8 most populous states?

Eight states will have just under half of the total population of the country, 49.5 percent, according to the Weldon Cooper Center’s estimate. The next eight most populous states will account for an additional fifth of the population, up to 69.2 percent — meaning that the 16 most populous states will be home to about 70 percent of Americans.

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