Where are the three climate zones in the Middle East?

Where are the three climate zones in the Middle East?

There are three climatic zones in the kingdom: (1) desert almost everywhere, (2) steppe along the western highlands, forming a strip less than 100 miles (160 km) wide in the north but becoming almost 300 miles (480 km) wide at the latitude of Mecca, and (3) a small area of humid and mild temperature conditions, with …

What climate covers most of the Middle East?

Most of the Middle East outside of the tropics has the dry summer climate typical of the Mediterranean. It shares this climate also with western Australia, western portions of South America and southern Africa, and especially with the west coast of the United States.

What are the dominant climate regions?

The six major climate regions are polar, temperate, arid, tropical, Mediterranean and tundra.

Does it ever rain in the Middle East?

Rainfall is negligible in all seasons of the Middle East, as the region is nearly all desert. The only real winters in the Middle East happen in the mountainous regions of Saudi Arabia, where temperatures can reach freezing.

Are there subtropical climates in the Middle East?

On the other hand, the Middle East does have a small subtropical region in Turkey and Iran, where the temperatures are hot enough and enough rain comes in from the Black Sea, to support this kind of climate. However, to really find subtropical climates, we have to look at Africa.

When is the best time to visit the Middle East?

The best time to visit the Middle East is in the spring (April and May) when temperatures are pleasant and not excessively hot or humid. For detailed climate and weather information on destinations in the Middle East, please select a country below.

Which is the driest part of the Middle East?

Some of the driest parts of the region have also suffered from flooding. Jeddah in Saudi Arabia has suffered almost annual floods since the late 1960s, caused by sudden violent storms.

Which is the second largest climate zone in the Middle East?

The second largest climate zone in the Middle East and one of the largest in Africa, is the semi-arid climate. These areas receive more rain than deserts, but not enough for anything other than a few short grasses and shrubs to grow.

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