What were the economic reasons for the colonization of Africa?

What were the economic reasons for the colonization of Africa?

Causes of colonisation Due to cheap labour of Africans, Europeans easily acquired products like oil, ivory, rubber, palm oil, wood, cotton and gum. These products became of greater significance due to the emergence of the Industrial Revolution.

Why was there a colonial economy?

Colonial economies were shaped by the interests of the metropolitan economy, therefore, they responded to the demands of the colonial powers. Objectives of the Colonial economy were: Colonies were expected to provide raw materials, both agricultural products and minerals, to the factories of the European countries.

What is the colonial economic structure in Africa?

Historians distinguish three main categories of colony in Africa: “settler” (more precisely, settler-elite colonies) in which most of the cultivable land was appropriated for European use; “peasant” colonies in which the land remained overwhelmingly in the hands of Africans, partly producing crops for export; and “ …

What are the benefits of colonialism in Africa?

African colonies produced raw materials which were expropriated by the colonialists (centre nations). Furthermore, colonialism introduced a dual economic structure within the African economy. It also brought about disarticulation of African economy, education, trade, market, transport and currency institution.

What was the economy of Africa in colonial times?

economy in Africa? revolution in Europe. Which led to the need of raw materials, markets, areas of investment and labourers. activities such as agriculture, mining, industry, trade and infrastructure. 1. Colonial economy was export oriented as production was for export (e.g. 2.

What was the economy of the British colonies?

HISTORY FORM THREE TOPIC 3: COLONIAL ECONOMY. Colonial economy was the economic undertaking which were operated by the colonialist or was the king of the economy introduced by the colonialists in their colonies. These included agriculture, mining, communication and transportation of commerce and trade.

How did colonialism affect the economy of Tanganyika?

In Tanganyika for example, “the colonial authorities shifted labor from food production and attempted to create a surplus of a labor intensive, non food cash crop; cotton.” The colonial authorities also promoted the minor crops of peanuts and sesame while reducing dietary staples such as millet and sorghum.

What was agriculture like in the colonial era?

Agriculture at this time was basically one crop production. In this it was of small scale and large-scale production.Crop production was divided into three forms as follows: In some of the areas colonial rulers introduced peasant economy and plantation economy. Discuss why.

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