What US city is on the same latitude as Barcelona?

What US city is on the same latitude as Barcelona?

Cities at the same latitude as Barcelona

City Coordinates
Chicago, United States 41.85003, -87.65005
Istanbul, Turkey 41.01384, 28.94966
Rome, Italy 41.89193, 12.51133
Zaragoza, Spain 41.65606, -0.87734

Is Chicago and Barcelona on the same latitude?

Chicago is located at latitude 41.85003 and longitude -87.65005. It is part of America and the northern hemisphere….Cities at the same latitude as Chicago.

City Coordinates
Barcelona, Spain 41.38879, 2.15899
Istanbul, Turkey 41.01384, 28.94966
Rome, Italy 41.89193, 12.51133

What cities are on the same latitude as Madrid Spain?

Madrid is on the same latitude as New York. Las Vegas takes over from Algiers. The Eternal City has transformed in the Windy City, as Chicago settles on the shores of the Tiber. Dublin reveals itself to be Edmonton, the capital of the Canadian province of Alberta.

What is the latitude of North America?

54.5260° N, 105.2551° W
North America/Coordinates

Are there any European cities at the same latitude as North America?

Here are major European cities overlaid on North America, corrected for the identical latitude: Here are North American cities, overlaid on Western Europe and Northern Africa at the identical latitude: Pretty cool stuff.

Which is on the same latitude as Your City?

What city in Europe or North America is on the same latitude as yours? HAVE YOU ever wondered what cities or countries sit on the same latitude as you? Wonder no more. This map from Mapmania below will answer your question. Now, you know that Miami is on the same latitude as Egypt and that Missoula is on the same latitude as Switzerland.

Are there any European cities at the same latitude as Saudi Arabia?

European & North American Cities Transposed Onto The Opposite Continent At The Same Latitude. Phoenix is placed close to the Ancient city of Carthage, which was a Phoenician city-state. People from Phoenix today are known as Phoenicians. (Credit: reddit users twomancanoe and svaachkuet) Miami is at the same latitude as Saudi Arabia.

Can you tell if a city is in Europe or North America?

Looking at a Mercator projection, it can be quite difficult to guess these equivalences. For more precision, Check out Beardsley Klamm ‘s map where you can see North America with all major western European cities laid over at the correct latitude, as well as American cities laid over a map of Western Europe.

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