What type of monkey can you have as a pet in California?

What type of monkey can you have as a pet in California?

In California, all gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, bonobos, and gibbons are classified as “wildlife” that must be heavily regulated by the state for their own health and welfare as well as public safety. In general, it is illegal to import, possess, or sell apes for use as pets in California.

Is it legal to have a pet monkey in the US?

It is illegal to own a monkey in 19 states, including in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming.

Is it illegal to have a pet hedgehog in California?

Hedgehogs are adorable creatures. Many people keep them as pets in other states. However, they are illegal to own as pets in California. One of the reasons that California outlaws hedgehogs as pets is because they can transmit diseases.

How can I legally own a monkey in California?

In California, monkeys and other primates can only be possessed by qualified people issued a permit for a specific legal purpose – such as training monkeys to perform in film and television productions or for use in medical research.

What is the fine for having a hedgehog in California?

While those living on the eastern side of Lake Tahoe can legally own a wide variety of animals, those on the California side who have so much as a hedgehog face penalties that can include: A civil fine of $500 – $10,000, plus the costs of the animal’s removal, storage and care, and/or.

Why can’t you own a hedgehog in California?

There are at least 17 known species of hedgehogs. All species are restricted from possession as pets in California primarily because they can become pests where introduced into the wild where they don’t naturally occur. Permits are not issued to import or possess any wild animal for pet purposes.

Is it illegal to keep a monkey in California?

“It’s a constant inspection process; there has to be a certain acreage; cages have to be of a certain size and a certain distance from other cages,” he said. It is illegal to keep a monkey in California. Our golden state has VERY strict rules of pet ownership. Gerbils, Ferrets, Hedgehogs, and Monkeys are all illegal to keep.

Is it illegal to have a monkey as a pet in Texas?

Texas: Primates such as baboons, chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas are considered dangerous wild animals and must be licensed. Smaller monkeys have no restrictions. These states have bans on some breeds of primates and on primates after the law banning them has gone into effect:

Is it illegal to have an exotic animal in California?

Further to your question, it is illegal in California. “You have to have a specific reason to have an exotic animal in California. They are not allowed as pets,” said Andrew Hughan of the state Department of Fish and Wildlife. Are Tenrecs legal in California? In California, most exotic mammals are illegal, including ferrets.

Is it legal to have a monkey in North Carolina?

In most cases, illegal animals in North Carolina consist of animals that are native to the United States, are rabies vectors, and some select potentially invasive species. This leaves all primates (those not controlled by Federal legislation) legal in the state. There is one massive catch, unfortunately.

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