What mountain range is in Afghanistan?

What mountain range is in Afghanistan?

The Hindu Kush
The Hindu Kush (Pashto: هندوکش /kʊʃ, kuːʃ/ commonly understood to mean Killer of the Hindus, or Hindu-Killer) is an 800-kilometre-long (500 mi) mountain range that stretches through Afghanistan, from its centre to Northern Pakistan and into Tajikistan.

Which mountain is called the Killer Mountain?

Nanga Parbat
An immense, dramatic peak rising far above its surrounding terrain, Nanga Parbat is known to be a difficult climb, and has earned the nickname Killer Mountain for its high number of climber fatalities.

What is the highest point in Afghanistan?

Mount Noshaq
Closed off from the outside world for decades due to regional insecurity, Afghanistan’s highest mountain, Mount Noshaq, is once again accessible to the mountaineering community, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society, Australian Geographic Outdoor, and other groups.

Which is the largest mountain range in Afghanistan?

The huge Hindu Kush mountains form a barrier between the Northern provinces and the rest of the country. This mountain range has also divided Afghanistan int three very different geographic regions known as: The Central Highlands, The Northern Plains, and the Southwestern Plateau.

What kind of terrain is there in Afghanistan?

THE LAND. Afghanistan is known for it’s mountainous terrain. The huge Hindu Kush mountains form a barrier between the Northern provinces and the rest of the country. This mountain range has also divided Afghanistan int three very different geographic regions known as: The Central Highlands, The Northern Plains, and the Southwestern Plateau.

Where are the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan?

The Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan. Afghanistan, officially referred to as the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country in Central Asia. The country borders China, Pakistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan.

Which is the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan?

The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan along the Hindus Kush mountain ranges is the Durand Line that has been the center of controversy and conflict between the two countries.The Durand Line is an erratic border line drawn by the British and the Afghan ruler in the 19th Century, and it has been inherited by the two countries.

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