What is the minimum income to qualify for unemployment in NY?

What is the minimum income to qualify for unemployment in NY?

You must have earned wages in at least two of the four calendar quarters that make up the base period. You must have earned at least $2,700 (in 2021) in the highest paid quarter of the base period. Your total earnings in the base period must be at least one-and-a-half times your earnings in the highest paid quarter.

How much money do I get from unemployment in NY?

How much will I receive in unemployment benefits? Your benefit amount is based on your earnings; the maximum weekly benefit in New York is $504 (people who make approximately $52,000+ will receive the maximum).

How long do you have to be at a job to collect unemployment in NY?

In order to receive unemployment benefits in New York, you must have been employed for paid work for at least 2 calendar quarters during your Base Period (a Base Period is one year or 4 calendar quarters). In 2019, the job must have paid you at least $2400 in wages during one of the calendar quarters.

Who qualifies for Pua in NY?


  • Self-employed;
  • Independent contractor;
  • Work for an app-based company (i.e. “gig worker”);
  • Farmer;
  • Diagnosed with COVID-19 or have COVD-19 symptoms and are seeking a diagnosis;
  • Living with a household member who has been diagnosed with COVID-19;

How do I collect my NYS unemployment back pay?

If you have not received your payment or you may have been eligible for this payment, you will need to contact the NY DOL (833-491-0632) for retroactive payments.

How to get unemployment benefits in New York?

If you have never filed a claim for benefits in New York State, you must create a PIN. This is a four-digit number that you must keep confidential. This PIN will be used to access the system to certify for weekly benefits and update your account.

Who is in charge of unemployment in New York?

If you have questions about whether you’re eligible for unemployment benefits read our COVID-19 Unemployment Benefits and Insurance FAQ and check out your New York’s claimant handbook. The New York Department of Labor is the state agency that oversees administering unemployment insurance claims for citizens.

How many weeks does NY unemployment pay?

Though New York State residents may receive standard benefits for a maximum of 52 weeks, Unemployment Insurance recipients may only receive their full benefits payments for 26 weeks, or a period of six months. Three options exist for receiving benefits.

What to do if you are denied unemployment in New York?

You can file an appeal if you are denied benefits. If the Department of Labor determines that you are ineligible to receive benefits for one or more weeks, then you can appeal that decision within 30 days and request a hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge. What New York unemployment requirements should I follow to receive benefits?

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