What is the longitude of Ithaca NY?

What is the longitude of Ithaca NY?

42.4440° N, 76.5019° W

What is the longitude of Ithaca to the nearest minute?

Ithaca’s longitude is 76°30’W. Now we’ll put latitude and longitude together to give a precise location: Ithaca is 42°25’N , 76°30’W. minute.

What is the coordinates of Washington DC?

38.9072° N, 77.0369° W
Washington, D.C./Coordinates

Which longitude is within the New York State?

New York is one of the most populated states of the US, situated in the northeastern part of the country. It is one of 13 colonies on the continent….New York, USA Lat Long Coordinates Info.

Country United States
Latitude 43.000000
Longitude -75.000000
DMS Lat 43° 0′ 0.0000” N
DMS Long 75° 0′ 0.0000” W

What is the latitude and longitude of Old Forge New York?

43.7101° N, 74.9735° W
Old Forge/Coordinates

What is the latitude and longitude of Niagara Falls?

43.0962° N, 79.0377° W
Niagara Falls/Coordinates

Where is the Philippines in latitude and longitude?

12.8797° N, 121.7740° E

How many miles are in 1 degree of longitude at the equator?

54.6 miles
One-degree of longitude equals 288,200 feet (54.6 miles), one minute equals 4,800 feet (0.91 mile), and one second equals 80 feet.

Is north longitude or latitude?

The North Pole is at 90 degrees latitude (or 90.0° N) and the south poles is at -90 degrees latitude (or 90.0° S). Latitude degrees with a – sign indicate a location in the southern hemisphere and degrees with a positive number are located in the northern hemisphere. Lines of longitude run from pole to pole.

What is the latitude and longitude of Mt Marcy New York?

44.1126° N, 73.9235° W
Mount Marcy/Coordinates

What is the latitude and longitude of Ithaca NY?

Ithaca, the seat of Tioga County, has a latitude of 42°26’38.26″N and a longitude of 76°30’6.77″W or 42.443961 and -76.501881 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #1300 in the United States. Ithaca, NY, USA coordinates are near the Canada border; 114 Miles SSE of Prince Edward, ON, Canada (see coordinates for Prince Edward ).

What are the landmarks in Ithaca New York?

Thus, there are plenty of landmarks like small creeks, waterfalls, picnic areas etc. Ithaca is a cultural and education center, with a small university campus and a few excellent colleges. The latitude of Ithaca, NY, USA is 42.443962 , and the longitude is -76.501884 .

How tall is the city of Ithaca NY?

Ithaca, NY, USA elevation is 32000 meters height, that is equal to 104,987 feet.

What’s the latitude and longitude of New York City?

Latitude runs between 90 degrees South (-90) and 90 degrees North, both extremes coming at the Earth’s poles. Longitude increases as you go East, making Eastern Hemisphere (i.e., most of Europe) positive longitude and the Western Hemisphere negative longitude. New York, for example, is at about 40, -73.

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