What is the Dyson sphere in star Trek?

What is the Dyson sphere in star Trek?

A Dyson sphere is a colossal sphere constructed around a star, completely surrounding it. The interior of the sphere would absorb the entire energy output of that star, allowing for lifeforms to live on the interior surface almost indefinitely. Such a structure was theorized by the 20th century physicist Freeman Dyson.

How big was the Dyson sphere in star Trek?

200 million km
This sphere was built around a G-type star, and measured some 200 million km in diameter, with an interior surface area equivalent to over 250 million Class-M planets.

Who created the Dyson sphere in star Trek?

mathematician Freeman Dyson
The concept of the Dyson sphere was the result of a thought experiment by physicist and mathematician Freeman Dyson, when he theorized that all technological civilizations constantly increased their demand for energy.

Is there a Dyson sphere in Star Wars?

Iokath system appears in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne. Iokath itself is a type of constuct known in fiction as a Dyson sphere, though this exact term cannot be used in Star Wars because of its origin in the real world.

Where is the Solanae Dyson sphere?

Delta Quadrant
The Solanae Dyson Sphere is a Dyson sphere located in the Delta Quadrant close to the border to the Beta Quadrant.

Why is it called an M class planet?

In the Star Trek fictional universe, habitable Earth-like planets are designated as Class M planets, where M stands for the Vulcan word Minshara. If Mars were at the orbit of Earth, it would still be cold and hostile. If Venus were at Earth distance it would still be hot and inhospitable.

What happened to Star Trek Dyson sphere?

Though they are able to recover control before the ship collides with the star inside the sphere, they find the star is unstable and emitting large amounts of radiation which will be lethal to the crew, and surmise that the sphere was long abandoned by its creators due to this.

What happened to Scotty after the Dyson sphere?

Jenolan, which crashed on the surface of a Dyson Sphere — a massive construct built to house a star. Scotty survived by placing himself in the ship’s transporter’s pattern buffer, which kept the engineer alive and well for 75 years.

How is Scotty alive in TNG?

Back aboard the Enterprise, Scott explains that he was only a passenger aboard the Jenolan during his retirement, but when the ship was caught in the Dyson sphere’s gravity field, only he and one other officer survived the crash, and Scott had rigged the transporter to try to keep them “alive” until a rescue vessel …

Is Star Killer base a Dyson sphere?

Dyson sphere or starkiller base? Dyson spheres are awesome. They’re definitely more efficient because they don’t destroy the star from which they harness energy. But since it’s a megastructure built around a star, that qualifies it as a Dyson sphere.

Is the Death Star a Dyson sphere?

This makes the station something of a Dyson sphere, the sort of technological megastructure physicist Freeman Dyson imagined advanced civilisations might be able to build to harness all the energy from their stars. For a much smaller Death Star, most of the problems with the Dyson sphere go away.

What are the names of the Stars in Star Trek?

Q is a fictional character as well as the name of a race in Star Trek appearing in the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager series, as well as in related media. The most familiar Q is portrayed by John de Lancie.

Where is the Undine battle zone?

The Undine Battlezone can be found in the Solanae Dyson Sphere, which is located in the Azure Sector of the Beta Quadrant . Voth ships can be found in TFOs, the Solanae Dyson Sphere and story missions.

What is Dyson sphere?

In fictional accounts, the Dyson-sphere concept is often interpreted as an artificial, hollow sphere of matter around a star. This perception is based on a literal interpretation of Dyson’s original short paper introducing the concept.

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