What is the capital city of El Pais Vasco?

What is the capital city of El Pais Vasco?

Basque Country (autonomous community)

Basque Country Euskadi (in Basque) País Vasco or Euskadi (in Spanish)
Largest city Bilbao
Capital Vitoria-Gasteiz (de facto)
Provinces Álava, Biscay, Gipuzkoa

What is El Pais Vasco known for?

First and foremost is it’s languages. It’s one of the oldest spoken languages in the world and is completely unique to this region of Spain. País Vasco is also famous for its food! Due to their location along the coast, the Basque country has developed some of the best seafood in Europe.

Where are the Vascos from?

The Basque ethnic group comes from a region of southwest France and northwest Spain known to outsiders as Basque and to Basque people as Euskal Herria. “Euskal” refers to Euskara, the Basque language, which is linguistically distinct from French, Spanish and indeed any other language.

What language is spoken in Pais Vasco?

Basque language
Spanish Language
Basque Country/Official languages

Where is El Pais Vasco located in Spain?

El Pais Vasco (officially La Comunidad Autonoma del País Vasco) is a fiercely independent region located on the northern coast of Spain, close to the Pyrenees and the border with France. In Basque, the region is called Euskadi, but to most of the English-speaking world it is referred to as the Basque Country .

Which is the capital of the Basque Country?

It includes two main regions: the Basque Autonomous Community ( Vitoria-Gasteiz as capital) and the Chartered Community of Navarre (capital city Pamplona ). The Basque Autonomous Community (7,234 km²) consists of three provinces, specifically designated “historical territories”:

What kind of food does Pais Vasco have?

If you’re a food or wine lover, the País Vasco not only boasts a cuisine – try the pintxos, the País Vasco’s form of tapas – said to be amongst the best of Europe, but it also garners fame as one of Spain’s top wine regions. The País Vasco for the traveler literally has a bit of everything.

What kind of language is spoken in Pais Vasco?

Today, the extremely complex Basque language, Euskara, is widely spoken and taught in schools and, along with Castellano (modern Spanish), is the region’s co-official language. Here in the País Vasco you’ll see a wide variety of things that set the País Vasco apart.

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