What is cochlear and Retrocochlear pathology?

What is cochlear and Retrocochlear pathology?

Retrocochlear disorder is a disorder that occur beyond the cochlear, ie either at the auditory nerve or/and cerebellopontine angle. There are also opinions claiming that retrocochlear disorders may occur at the auditory nerve level, area of brain that processes speech or at other areas of the central auditory system.

What is a Retrocochlear disorder?

Retrocochlear. Retrocochlear hearing loss occurs when the auditory nerve (1) itself is affected. Although sound is processed properly by the inner ear (2), the auditory nerve has difficulty transmitting it to the brain. People affected tend to have trouble listening in the presence of background noise.

What are cochlear diseases?

Autoimmune vestibulo-cochlear disorders (AVCD) represent a group of syndromes with overlapping clinical features, manifesting as sensorineural hearing loss, often associated with vertigo, tinnitus, and aural fullness, and believed to be caused by an autoimmune mechanism.

What are the symptoms of cochlear damage?

Conductive hearing loss occurs when damage to the outer ear or middle ear blocks sound vibrations from reaching your inner ear, or cochlea. With this type of hearing loss, ears may feel plugged and speech may sound muffled, especially if there is a lot of background noise.

How do we identify Retrocochlear lesions?

Symptoms of retrocochlear hearing loss usually involves only one ear, including:

  1. Unilateral or asymmetric tinnitus.
  2. Unilateral or asymmetric hearing loss.
  3. Vertigo or dizziness.
  4. Unilateral fullness of the ear.
  5. Facial weakness or paralysis.
  6. Poor speech discrimination regardless of hearing level.

Is Retrocochlear hearing loss sensorineural?

Sensorineural hearing loss is a common disorder that results from damage to the inner ear in over 95% of all cases; therefore, retrocochlear hearing disorders are rare and cannot be differentiated from sensory losses by clinical symptoms alone.

What causes cochlear Meniere’s disease?

Although there is no known exact cause of Meniere’s, it most likely has something to do with increased pressure in the inner ear, which is full of a fluid known as endolymph. Another name for Meniere’s is primary idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops, which essentially means abnormal fluid in the inner ear.

What causes cochlear abnormality?

Many things can cause SNHL, or cochlear damage, including loud or extended noise exposure, certain powerful antibiotics, men- ingitis, Meniere’s disease, acoustic tumors, and even the natural decline in age can cause hearing loss.

What is ABLB test?

ABLB is a test to detect perceived loudness differences between the ears and is useful in patients with unilateral hearing loss. The ABLB test can identify cochlear recruitment and decruitment.

What are the causes of retrocochlear hearing loss?

Although retrocochlear hearing disorders are rare, there are a variety of locations and causes of retrocochlear hearing loss. Some of these may include: Tumors of the acoustic nerve or central auditory cortex

What is the difference between retrocochlear pathology and sensory impairment?

In most cases, it is not possible to distinguish between a sensory impairment (involving the cochlea), and a retrocochlear pathology. If a retrocochlear pathology is suspected, a comprehensive audiologic evaluation should be performed, to include acoustic reflex testing, otoacoustic emissions (OAE), and an auditory brainstem response (ABR) test.

What are the signs and symptoms of spleen problems?

Severe pain suggests splenic infarction. Recurrent infections, symptoms of anemia, or bleeding manifestations suggest cytopenia and possible hypersplenism. A number of infections and diseases may cause an enlarged spleen. The enlargement of the spleen may be temporary.

What is the role of red pulp in the splenic cord?

Within the splenic cords, the red blood cells are exposed to the macrophages and can be selected for the breakdown. The red pulp removes antibody-coated bacteria, senescent or defective RBCs, and antibody-coated blood cells (as may occur in immune cytopenias such as ITP, Coombs-positive hemolytic anemias, and some neutropenias).

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