What is a good score on the Apush multiple choice?

What is a good score on the Apush multiple choice?

APUSH scores exams on a scale of 1 to 5. The better your performance on the test, the higher your score. Scores ranking qualified or above reflect skills that prove overall academic success in the subject of AP US History. For most, a score of 3 or above is sufficient for college credit and placement.

How hard is it to get a 5 on the Apush exam?

It is true that the APUSH exam is a tough one. However, it is not impossible. You’ll need to work on those reading, analytical, and composition skills all while dedicating some serious study time. But those skills that you learn will pay off and get you that much closer to scoring a 5 on the exam.

Do Colleges look at junior year the most?

Generally colleges care most about the grades you got junior year. These grades are the most important because, when you apply in the fall of your senior year, they’re the most recent grades the college has access to, so they give them the best idea of your current abilities.

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