What does Amir realize about the Taliban official?

What does Amir realize about the Taliban official?

While the official rubs Sohrab’s stomach, he asks Amir whatever happened to old Babalu, a name Assef used to call Ali, and Amir realizes that the Taliban official is actually Assef.

What mistake does Amir make when he first sees the Taliban?

What mistake does Amir make the first time he sees the Taliban? He stares at them. He turns his back to them.

Who does Amir meet that once knew his mom?

He sees beggars everywhere, and all the shops and houses from his childhood were piles of rubble. Amir meets a beggar who used to be a university professor. Beggar knew his mother. He tells Amir he will try to remember and that Amir should come back later.

What feelings does Amir have when he sees Sohrab for the first time?

Flying the kite with Sohrab, Amir feels like a boy again, and for that time at least, he is innocent. It is also the first real connection he feels to Sohrab since Sohrab stopped speaking. Flying the kite is his link to Sohrab much as it was once his link to Baba.

Why does Sohrab try to kill himself?

The cruelty of people like Assef defeats Sohrab. When Amir tells Sohrab he’s going to put him (briefly) in an orphanage, Sohrab tries to commit suicide.

Does Assef know Sohrab is Hassan’s son?

Expert Answers I find no evidence in the text of The Kite Runner to show that Assef had any idea that Sohrab was related to Hassan. It seems that Assef would have told Amir during his lengthy talk before the fight if he had actually known.

What does Amir give Sohrab after he finds him?

When they find Sohrab outside the mosque, Amir sits down next to him, and they talk. After Amir says that Sohrab must miss his parents, Sohrab asks whether Amir misses his. Then Sohrab admits that he is beginning to forget his father’s face. Amir gives Sohrab the Polaroid photo of Hassan.

How does Sohrab try to kill himself?

We learn that Sohrab tried to commit suicide by cutting his wrists open in the bathtub.

What chapter does Sohrab try to kill himself?

Chapter 24
The end of Chapter 24 of The Kite Runner left us with the cliffhanger of Amir opening up the bathroom door to talk to Sohrab. As soon as he does, he starts screaming. In this chapter, Amir is with Sohrab in the hospital. We learn that Sohrab tried to commit suicide by cutting his wrists open in the bathtub.

Was Sohrab a sociopath?

He returns to Afghanistan at the age of thirty-eight and ends up adopting Hassan’s orphaned son, Sohrab. A sociopath who worships Hitler. As a child, he is the neighborhood bully who rapes Hassan. As an adult, he is a Taliban official who delights in killing people.

Where does Sohrab go when he runs away?

Sohrab worries that Amir or his wife will get tired of him if he goes to America, but Amir promises that they won’t. Sohrab then makes Amir promise not to send him back to an orphanage, and then Sohrab agrees to go to America.

What saved Sohrab from dying?

Sohrab used Amir’s razor blade to cut his wrists, in an attempt to end his life. Amir found him before it was too late and had him rushed to the hospital. The surgeons managed to save his life, after his heart stopped twice.

Where does Rahim tell Amir to take Sohrab?

While leaving behind Sohrab. Rahim tells Amir it is his job to find Sohrab in Karteh-Seh, Afghanistan, and take him to an orphanage in Peshawar, Pakistan. What is Amir’s reaction? Do you think Rahim’s dying wish is unfair?

Where does Rahim take Amir in the Kite Runner?

He wishes for Amir to see his son, Sohrab. In chapter 18, Amir finds out that both Hassan and his wife were shot by the Taliban trying to protect Baba’s house, orphaning their son. Rahim tells Amir it is his job to find Sohrab in Karteh-Seh, Afghanistan, and take him to an orphanage in Peshawar, Pakistan.

What makes Amir change his mind and go to Kabul?

Amir tells Rahim at first that he cannot go to Kabul because he has a wife in America, a home, a career, and a family. What makes him change his mind and go to Kabul? Amir realizes that his actions years ago prevented Hassan from having those same things in his life. Who is Farid? The man driving Amir to Kabul

Who is Amir meet who once knew his mother?

He stares at them and is chastised by Farid afterwards. Whom does Amir meet who once knew his mother? A homeless beggar who was a university professor that taught his mother at college. Why does the man at the orphanage say he has never seen Sohrab?

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