What countries are in stage 4 of the Demographic Transition?

What countries are in stage 4 of the Demographic Transition?

Examples of countries in Stage 4 of the Demographic Transition are Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Brazil, most of Europe, Singapore, South Korea, and the U.S.

What country is in Stage 3 of the Demographic Transition?

As such, Stage 3 is often viewed as a marker of significant development. Examples of Stage 3 countries are Botswana, Colombia, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates, just to name a few.

Which countries are in stage 5 of the DTM?

Possible examples of Stage 5 countries are Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Japan, Portugal and Ukraine. According to the DTM each of these countries should have negative population growth but this has not necessarily been the case.

What caused MDCs to move from Stage 1 to Stage 2 in the demographic transition model?

What caused MDCs to move from stage 1 to stage 2 in the demographic transition model? The birth rate was very high and the death rates declined because there was a medical revolution. 36. Why is rapid population growth in LDCs significant to the future world’s population?

What country is most likely to be in stage 4 population growth?

China is most likely to be in stage 4 of population growth with a low birth rate and a low death rate. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

What countries are still in Stage 3?

Countries that are currently in stage three are Mexico, India, Colombia, and South Africa. The population pyramids of these countries are wider in the middle ages and have more of a pear shape.

Why are there no countries in stage 1 of the DTM?

Stage 1. Stage one has a high birth rate and a high death rate. Because of this the natural increase rate is close to zero Zero population growth is when the crude birth rate and crude death rate are equal and the population remains the same. No country in the world is currently in stage 1.

Why does the death rate increase in stage 5?

Stage 5: Total population is still high but starting to decline due to the birth rate falling (to 7 per 1,000) below the death rate (9 per 1,000). The population will start to fall as it is no longer replacing itself. The population is ageing and will gradually be dominated by older people.

Are there any countries currently in Stage 1?

Stage 1 of the Demographic Transition Model is considered the pre-industrial stage, or pre-transition, and today no countries are classified within Stage 1 of the DTM.

Why is Afghanistan in Stage 2 population growth?

Afghanistan has a very high illiteracy rate and limited educational opportunities for women, both indicators towards a high birth rate. Without either of those issues being addressed, the country will remain in Stage 2, with a high rate of population growth.

Are there any countries in Stage 2 of the demographic transition?

Still, there are a number of countries that remain in Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition for a variety of social and economic reasons, including much of Sub-Saharan Africa, Guatemala, Nauru, Palestine, Yemen and Afghanistan.

Which is a case study of demographic transition?

Demographic Transition Model Stage 2 Case Study: Afghanistan. Afghanistan has a very high illiteracy rate and limited educational opportunities for women, both indicators towards a high birth rate. Without either of those issues being addressed, the country will remain in Stage 2, with a high rate of population growth.

What is the expected outcome of the DTM in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan has experienced decades of war both internally, and externally, and this has had significant impacts on the overall health and health care system of the country. With continued improvement to both, the expected outcome determined by the DTM is a transition into Stage 3 where total population growth continues, but at a lower rate.

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