What are natural resources in the Canadian Shield?

What are natural resources in the Canadian Shield?

The Canadian Shield is a large area of thin, rocky soil that surrounds the Hudson Bay. Beneath the soil is one of Canada’s most valuable resources: minerals (gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, iron ore, uranium, & nickel). Mineral deposits are very important to Canada’s economy because they provide jobs.

What are some goods and services in the Canadian Shield?

1) Furs – from fur bearing animals (hunting and trapping is still a large industry). 2) Minerals – this makes a lot of sense because the Shield is solid rock. Canadians extract copper, gold, nickel , zinc and lead from this area.

What natural resources are found in the Canadian Shield and Rocky Mountains?

MINERALS AND FOSSIL FUELS Valuable deposits of iron ore, nickel, copper, gold, and uranium are found in the Canadian Shield. Scattered among the western mountains are gold, silver, copper, and uranium.

What kind of minerals are in the Canadian Shield?

The Canadian Shield is one of the world’s richest areas in terms of mineral ores. It is filled with substantial deposits of nickel, gold, silver, and copper. Throughout the Shield there are many mining towns extracting these minerals. The largest, and one of the best known, is Sudbury]

What kind of vegetation does the Canadian Shield have?

Some of the trees are deciduous and some are coniferous. But the Canadian shields vegetation is very different from the rest of Canada because the Canadian shield does not have many plants but has a lot of trees. Some of the other vegetation is Marsh reed grass and a bit of bear berry

What kind of animals live in the Canadian Shield?

Animals in the Arctic portion of the Shield include polar bears, Arctic fox, Arctic hares, snowy owls and rock ptarmigan. The Canadian Shield is rich in natural resources, including minerals, forests and freshwater. Mining began in the region in the mid-19th century and was key to Canada’s economic development.

How is the Canadian Shield a sustainable resource?

This leads to the issue of sustainability. Both furs and timber are naturally renewing resources, although timber may take decades to regrow. Minerals within the shield, however, are non-renewable. Once they are gone, they’re gone.

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