Was the T34 a heavy tank?

Was the T34 a heavy tank?

The T34 Heavy Tank was an American design for a heavy tank. It evolved from the T29 Heavy Tank and T30 Heavy Tank in 1945, sporting a 120 mm (4.72 in) modified anti-aircraft gun.

Is the T34 good war thunder?

The T34 is a very strong tank and few tanks have the guns to take it out effectively from the battlefield.

Is the T34 57 good?

The T-34-57 can be played in a variety of roles. The gun is very accurate and has high penetration, making it a great sniper. The tank is fast and manoeuvrable, making it a good flanker. It can also brawl due to its fast turret rotation and great reload speed.

What happened T-34?

Because of the decline in heavy tank development after the end of World War II, the T34 never entered service. The prototypes were used in field trials. The T34 was removed from the Premium Shop in December 2019.

When was the American T34 made?

The first prototype of the T34 was completed in early 1939. In September 1940, the T34 went into production armed with a 76mm gun. The T34 was accepted for service before official trials had been completed. It was made at six different factories and more T34’s were made than any other tank in World War Two.

Why is T-34 the best tank?

The main advantage of the T-34 was that, by virtue of its relatively simple design and using what amounted to slave labor in their factories, the Russians were able to produce lots of them. Between 1941 and 1943, Russian factories produced over 30,000 T-34s.

What is a T34 Heavy Tank?

The T34 Heavy Tank was an American design for a heavy tank. It was evolved from the T29 Heavy Tank and T30 Heavy Tank in 1945, sporting a 120 mm (4.72 in) modified anti-aircraft gun. Extra armour plating was applied to the rear of the turret bustle as a counterweight for the heavier 120mm T53 main gun.

Why was the T34 never used in WW2?

Because of the decline in heavy tank development after the end of World War II, the T34 never entered service. The prototypes were used in field trials. The T34 is one of the hardest hitting tier 8 heavy tanks, putting out even more damage than the IS-3 armed with the 122mm BL-9.

What kind of armor does a T34 have?

A formidable heavy tank with thick armour and heavy gun, the T34 presents a radical new tank design, more so than any of its predecessors. Rolled homogeneous armour (Hull sides, Hull rear) Suspension wheels are 20 mm thick while tracks are 30 mm thick. Front belly armour is 25.4 mm thick while the rear is 13 mm.

How does the T34 hold up against 88mm?

Their shot rounds will break your gun breech quickly, but if you play well the T34’s armour will hold up. At long range, tanks with the long 88 mm guns will only be able to penetrate with the APCR at you, which in effect makes your upper hull armour very good, since APCR does not fare well against slopes.

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