How much is a bus ticket from Alabama to Florida?

How much is a bus ticket from Alabama to Florida?

Information on this bus route

Daily Buses 4
Minimum Price $15
Average Ticket Price $59
Minimum Trip Duration 10h50m
Average Bus Trip Duration 13h4m

Does Greyhound go to Alabama?

Greyhound Bus to Birmingham, Alabama from $16.

How much is a bus ticket from Tuscaloosa Alabama?

Information on this bus route

Daily Buses 3
Minimum Price $13
Average Ticket Price $19
Minimum Trip Duration 55m
Average Bus Trip Duration 1h5m

How much is a bus ticket from Pensacola Florida to Birmingham Alabama?

How much does a bus ticket from Pensacola to Birmingham cost? The average bus ticket price from Pensacola to Birmingham is $74.

How long is a car ride from Alabama to Florida?

Yes, the driving distance between Alabama to Florida is 441 miles. It takes approximately 7h 57m to drive from Alabama to Florida.

How much does it cost from Alabama to Florida?

Road trip planner The total cost of driving from Alabama to Florida (one-way) is $64.69 at current gas prices. The round trip cost would be $129.39 to go from Alabama to Florida and back to Alabama again. You’ll go through 22.1 gallons of gas during this trip.

Does Megabus go to Alabama?

The stop for all arrivals and departures in Montgomery, AL is located at the Intermodal Transit Facility at 495 Molton Street.

What airport is in Tuscaloosa Alabama?

Birmingham Airport
There is no major airport in Tuscaloosa. It is instead served by Birmingham Airport.

Where in Alabama is Tuscaloosa?

Tuscaloosa, city, seat (1819) of Tuscaloosa county, western Alabama, U.S., on the Black Warrior River about 55 miles (90 km) southwest of Birmingham.

How long does it take to go to Alabama to Florida?

Driving time from Alabama to Florida The total driving time is 9 hours.

How long does it take to get to Florida to Alabama?

Driving time from Florida to Alabama The total driving time is 9 hours.

What’s the price of a Greyhound bus ticket?

The one-way bus ticket price on Greyhound is generally 50 percent of the price of a full-round trip ticket. Greyhound bus tickets are commonly sold both as one-way fares and round-trip tickets.

Where is the Greyhound bus station in Miami?

miami main bus station – 3801 n w 21st #171 , miami fl, 33142 MIAMI INTERNATIONAL ARPT – 4450 NW 20TH ST , MIAMI ARPT (E) FL, 33122 16000 NW 7TH AVE , MIAMI NORTH FL, 33196

Is it cheaper to charter a Greyhound bus?

If there’s a big group of you traveling together, it can work out cheaper (and a whole lot easier) to charter a Greyhound bus instead of buying individual tickets. We can pick you up and drop you off exactly where you want – which beats getting 50 people to the station in time to catch the bus.

What’s the phone number for a Greyhound bus?

Call us on 1-844-GRP-TRIP (1-844-477-8747) or send us an email. By continuing to use this site, you agree to the use of cookies by Greyhound and third-party partners to recognize users in order to enhance and customize content, offers and advertisements, and send email.

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