How long does Romeo and Juliet last?

How long does Romeo and Juliet last?

four days

What does Juliet say she would do if she knew Romeo loved her?

What does Juliet say she would to if she knew Romeo loved her? He believes his love will protect him. He thinks Mercutio and Benvolio will rescue him.

How long did Romeo and Juliet know each other before dying?

Who fails to deliver the letter to Romeo?

Friar John replies that he was unable to deliver the letter because he was shut up in a quarantined house due to an outbreak of plague. Friar Lawrence becomes upset, realizing that if Romeo does not know about Juliet’s false death, there will be no one to retrieve her from the tomb when she awakes.

What is Romeo punishment for killing Tybalt?


Why does Juliet finally agree to marry Paris?

Capulet is enraged that Juliet is disobeying him and threatens to disown her if she will not marry. Juliet seeks advice from her Nurse, but she agrees that Juliet should marry Paris because Romeo is as good as dead. Angry and upset, Juliet goes to seek guidance from Friar Lawrence.

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