How fast can a 15 year old type?

How fast can a 15 year old type?

Final Target

Age range Beginner Intermediate
6 to 11 years old 15 wpm (75 cpm) 80% accuracy 25 wpm (125 cpm) 85% accuracy
12 to 16 years old 30 wpm (150 cpm) 85% accuracy 40 wpm (200 cpm) 90% accuracy
17 years old and over 45 wpm (225 cpm) 90% accuracy 55 wpm (275 cpm) 95% accuracy

What is a good score on a typing test?

What is a good score on a typing test? Good score is matter of the level of the typist. For beginners reaching around 20 words per minutes with accuracy percentage above 90% is a good start. For middle and advanced skills a good result can be between 35 words per minutes up to 50 words per minutes with accuracy percentage above 90%

How to do well in a typing test?

How to Pass a Typing Test Method 1 of 4: Choosing a Comfortable Posture Download Article. Sit with your back straight and your head up. Method 2 of 4: Improving Your Speed and Technique Download Article. Method 3 of 4: Succeeding at Typing Tests Download Article. Method 4 of 4: Finding Additional Practice Download Article.

Why to take a typing test?

If you’re applying for a data entry, transcription, or office job, you may have to take a typing test. A typing test is an easy way for potential employers to quickly evaluate your typing ability. If this makes you nervous, you’re not alone. Some people type often, but don’t know their speed.

How do I make a typing test?

Step#1: Choose one of the templates to begin the speed typing test.

  • Step#2: Once you start writing,the typing test will begin to evaluate your speed and number of words per minute.
  • Step#3: Once you finish the test,the typing tool will display your results. You can view the number of keywords and the number of words per minute.
  • Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel.

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