How do you make a title page in Chicago style?

How do you make a title page in Chicago style?

Title PageThe title should be centered a third of the way down the page.Your name, class information, and the date should follow several lines later.For subtitles, end the title line with a colon and place the subtitle on the line below the title.Double-space each line of the title page.

How do you insert a blank page in Word 2010?

Insert Blank PagesStep 1 − Bring your insertion point immediately before the text where you want to insert a blank page.Step 2 − Click the Insert tab, and click the Blank Page button available in the Pages group.

How do I insert a blank page in Word without header and footer?

Click or tap where you want to start a new page without the header or footer. Go to Layout > Breaks > Next Page to create a section break. Double-click the header or footer area (near the top or bottom of the page) to open the Header & Footer tab. Select Link to Previous to turn off the link between the sections.

How do I insert a blank footer?

To insert a header or footer:Select the Insert tab.Click either the Header or Footer command. From the drop-down menu, select Blank to insert a blank header or footer, or choose one of the built-in options. The Design tab will appear on the Ribbon, and the header or footer will appear in the document.

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