How do you handle universal waste?

How do you handle universal waste?

  1. Do not dispose of universal waste or treat universal waste except as provided for in the regulations.
  2. Notify DTSC and/or obtain an EPA identification number.
  3. Use proper containment—non-leaking, compatible containers.
  4. Segregate universal waste in distinct areas.

What are examples of universal waste?

Universal wastes are hazardous wastes that are widely produced by households and many different types of businesses. Universal wastes include televisions, computers and other electronic devices as well as batteries, fluorescent lamps, mercury thermostats, and other mercury containing equipment, among others.

What two things at a minimum must be labeled on universal waste?

Typically, universal waste containers must be marked with the words that clearly indicate the type of waste in the container, for example, “Universal waste – Batteries.” This requirement is stated at 40 CFR 273.13 and 273.34; these sections also list some different naming conventions for batteries, lamps, mercury- …

How do you label universal waste?

Mark or label the container with the date of initial accumulation. Mark or label each individual item (ie. battery, device, or lamp). Maintain an inventory system that indicates the date of waste generation or receipt.

Are thermometers universal waste?

Mercury Thermostats: All mercury-containing thermostats, including fever thermometers, must be managed as universal waste. Households and businesses CANNOT dispose of mercury thermometers in the trash. Households and businesses CANNOT dispose of mercury switches in the trash.

Does universal waste need a label?

Each battery or container holding batteries must be marked, “Universal Waste Battery(ies)” or “Waste Battery(ies)” or “Used Battery(ies).” The containers must be labeled, “Universal Waste – Mercury Thermostat(s)” or “Waste Mercury Thermostat(s)” or “Used Mercury Thermostat(s).” Universal Waste Canceled Pesticides.

Are broken fluorescent lamps universal waste?

Broken lamps may be managed as a universal waste but are typically more expensive to recycle or dispose as compared to intact lamps. State regulations can be more stringent and may not allow management of broken lamps as universal waste.

What batteries are universal waste?

(Batteries typically managed under the universal waste rules include lithium, mercury, silver ion, and nickel/cadmium batteries.) Under the universal waste provisions, used batteries become waste on the date they are discarded—such as when batteries are sent for reclamation.

What color container indicates pharmaceutical waste?

Red (or fluorescent red-orange) The only federally regulated color that is used in medical waste containers. It is used to indicate that the enclosed material consists of biohazardous waste. This is also the color used for sharps containers.

Can universal waste be transported?

Universal wastes can be self-transported by the handler of the waste or can be transported by a third-party. The person transporting the waste must comply with the transportation standards in 40 CFR part 273 subpart D of the universal waste regulations.

What can be put in the pharmaceutical waste boxes?

Pharmaceutical Waste Solutions

  • Non-hazardous medicinal products and items contaminated with non-hazardous medicines. The blue waste stream is used for waste medicinal products that are not cytotoxic or cytostatic.
  • Hazardous medicinal products and items contaminated with non-hazardous medicines.
  • Denaturing kits.

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