How do you create a list on FreeMarker?

How do you create a list on FreeMarker?

FreeMarker doesn’t support modifying collections. But if you really want to do this in FreeMarker (as opposed to in Java), you can use sequence concatenation: <#assign myList = myList + [newItem]> . Here you create a new sequence that wraps the two other sequences.

How do I iterate a list in FTL?

In FTL we used <#list> to iterate and print its values.

What is eval in FreeMarker?

eval. This built-in evaluates a string as an FTL expression. eval returns the number 3. (To render a template that’s stored in a string, use the interpret built-in instead.)

What are .FTL files?

An FTL file is a template used by FreeMarker, a Java template engine used to auto-generate text output. It contains source text as well as FreeMarker variable definitions and instructions that are used as placeholders for text substitutions. FTL files are commonly used for auto-generating HTML webpages, . CFM files.

What is FreeMarker language?

FreeMarker is a template engine, written in Java, and maintained by the Apache Foundation. We can use the FreeMarker Template Language, also known as FTL, to generate many text-based formats like web pages, email, or XML files.

Is FreeMarker case sensitive?

For example <#if 1 == “1”> will cause an error. Note that FreeMarker does exact comparison, so string comparisons are case and white-space sensitive: “x” and “x ” and “X” are not equal values.

How do I comment in FreeMarker template?

Comments: <#– and –> Comments are similar to HTML comments, but they are delimited by <#– and –>. Comments will be ignored by FreeMarker, and will not be written to the output.

How do FreeMarker templates work?

The simplest template is a plain HTML file (or whatever text file; FreeMarker is not confined to HTML). When the client visits that page, FreeMarker will send that HTML to the client as is. However if you want that page to be more dynamic then you begin to put special parts into the HTML which will be understood by FreeMarker:

What is Apache FreeMarker used for?

Usually, a general-purpose programming language (like java) prepares data to be displayed, and then, Apache FreeMarker is used to displays that prepared data using the template. It is a Java library to generate text output based on the template and changing data.

What is the difference between FreeMarker directives and template files?

The template file contains a #list directive which prints the attributes of the car objects; the attributes are accessed with the dot character. This is the output of the example. FreeMarker directives are special tags that perform an action.

How to inject dynamic content in FreeMarker pages?

To inject dynamic content in our pages, we need to use a syntax that FreeMarker understands: $ {…} in the template will be replaced in the generated output with the actual value of the expression inside the curly brackets – we call this interpolation – a couple of examples are $ {1 + 2 } and $ {variableName}

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