How did the location of Jenne Jeno lead to its becoming a large busy city?

How did the location of Jenne Jeno lead to its becoming a large busy city?

How did the location of Jenne-jeno cause it to become a large busy city? Its location along were the Niger river meets the Bani river made it an ideal location for farming, fishing, and trading. They were able to conquer other places because they had the money to make larger, stronger armies.

How did trade impact the development of West African kingdoms?

Trade was a primary factor in the rise and development of the West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. In particular, these kingdoms grew wealthy, powerful, and influential because they were able to collect taxes from traders who crossed their territories. After some time, trade made it stronger.

How did the ability to work with iron affect food production and the types of jobs that villagers performed in West Africa?

How did their ability to make iron tools affect food production and the types of jobs villagers performed? Farmers could clear land and grow food better. The other people in the village could then weave, make baskets, and make pottery. They used their extra food to trade.

How did geography affect trade?

Traders had to use geographic anomalies so they could trade with people from other lands. To cross these land routes it was essential that enough water was available for the people and animals to use. Thus, water, in the form of oases, were vital resources along even the most remote, land-based trade routes.

Why did people in West Africa choose to live in villages?

Extended families formed villages to help control flooding rivers, to farm the land, to mine for iron or gold, or for protection.

In which environment do you think a city was most likely to develop?

In which location, the savanna or the forest, do you think a city was more likely to develop? South and Central Africa because the forest has more animals, vegetation and water to survive.

What was the most significant factor in the development of early societies in West Africa?

Geography and Trade Geography was a major factor in the development of West African societies. Settled communities grew south of the Sahara, where the land permitted farming. Geography also influenced trading patterns. Communities traded with one another for items they could not produce locally.

Which goods were from West Africa?

The main items traded were gold and salt. The gold mines of West Africa provided great wealth to West African Empires such as Ghana and Mali. Other items that were commonly traded included ivory, kola nuts, cloth, slaves, metal goods, and beads.

How did the geography affect trade in West Africa?

How did geography affect trade in West Africa? More people had to trade, so settlements made more money. They charged fees for trading activity and used their money to expand. More people came to live in the city, so they gave out more jobs.

How does the geography affect the economy?

We find that location and climate have large effects on income levels and income growth, through their effects on transport costs, disease burdens, and agricultural productivity, among other channels. Furthermore, geography seems to be a factor in the choice of economic policy itself.

How did geography impact life in West Africa?

Why was the development of new trading cities important?

Development of new trading cities. Trading cities played an important role in the spread of goods on the Silk Road and Indian Ocean trade routes.

What was the role of trading cities in the Silk Road?

Trading cities played an important role in the spread of goods on the Silk Road and Indian Ocean trade routes. Trading cities played an important role in the spread of goods on the Silk Road and Indian Ocean trade routes.

Which is the best example of a trading city?

1 Overview. Trading cities played an important role in the spread of goods on the Silk Road and Indian Ocean trade routes. 2 Hangzhou. Poetically called “The Paradise on the Earth,” the Chinese port city of Hangzhou is surrounded by rolling hills and mountains. 3 Timbuktu. Saharan trade routes. 4 Malacca. 5 Impacts of urbanization. …

Why did Timbuktu become a great trading city?

When Timbuktu prospered, the Mali empire was able to tax trade goods, supporting economic stability. Economic stability in turn created a peaceful environment conducive to trade. Additionally, Malian rulers encouraged scholars to settle in the city.

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