Does Afghanistan speak Arabic or Farsi?

Does Afghanistan speak Arabic or Farsi?

Afghanistan has two official languages, Pashto and Dari. However, most Dari speakers natively call their language Farsi or Persian.

Which language is used in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan/Official languages
Dari and Pashto are the official and most widely spoken languages, by 77% and 48% of the population respectively. Dari, or Farsi, is the official name of the variety of Persian spoken in the country, and is widely used as a lingua franca.

Is Pashto the same as Arabic?

3) Pashto is written in the Arabic Naskh script. Linguistically, Arabic and Pashto are quite different; however, if you don’t speak either language, you could easily mistake written Pashto for Arabic because they use the same script – almost.

What are the top 3 languages spoken in Afghanistan?

The main languages are Dari (Afghan Persian) and Pashto (an eastern Iranian language). Dari and Pashto are Indo-European languages related to most languages spoken in Europe, including Swedish. Dari and Pashtu, written with Arabic letters, are Afghanistan’s official languages.

Are Afghans Indian or Persian?

Afghans are not persian !!! persian as a language is spoken in a Tajiki dialect called Dari as old as the language spoken in persia.

What is the Arabic writing system called?

Arabic script
The Arabic script is a writing system used for writing Arabic and several other languages of Asia and Africa, such as Persian (Farsi/Dari), Uyghur, Kurdish, Punjabi, Sindhi, Balti, Balochi, Pashto, Lurish, Urdu, Kashmiri, Rohingya, Somali and Mandinka, among others.

Widely used phrases

Afghan Persian is often called “Persian” or “Farsi” by native speakers but the name was changed to Dari in the 1960s. Both languages are Indo-European languages in the Iranian family. The Dari language is the lingua franca of Afghanistan and the native tongue for many ethnic groups like the Aimaks, Hazaras, and Tajiks.

What kind of language is Pashto in Afghanistan?

It is categorized as an Eastern Iranian language with many different dialects. Between about 45-60% of the people of Afghanistan speak Pashto. It is one of the official languages of the country as well.

Where does the majority of people in Afghanistan speak Dari?

About 2.5 million Afghans in Iran and Afghans in Pakistan, part of the wider Afghan diaspora, also speak Dari as one of their primary languages. Dari dominates the northern, western, and central areas of Afghanistan, and is the common language spoken in cities such as Mazar-i-Sharif]

Are there any other languages other than Arabic?

There are also numerous other languages spoken in the country (Baluchi, Pashai, Nuristani, etc.), and bilingualism is very common. Both Pashto and Dari are written primarily with the Arabic alphabet, however, there are some modifications that were made to account for sounds not found in Arabic.

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