What did William R Davie do?

What did William R Davie do? William Richardson Davie, statesman, Revolutionary War officer, and founder of The University of North Carolina, was born in the parish of Egremont, County Cumberland, England. Was William R Davie a federalist? He was elected to the North Carolina House of Commons on multiple occasions from 1786 through 1798. After […]

Where did Christmas originated in Mexico?

Where did Christmas originated in Mexico? Navidad or Christmas in Mexico goes way back as 1538 when a local priest of Spanish origin Fray Pedro De Grante introduced the concept to the people. Initially it was the Spanish colonial settlers who celebrated the feast. How did Christmas start in Mexico? Christmas Eve and Christmas Day […]

Does New Zealand have a lot of mosquitoes?

Does New Zealand have a lot of mosquitoes? Yes. There are mosquitoes in New Zealand. Some as big as helicopters! The salubrious climate, gentle people, good food and fresh air with hardly anyone around to feed their voracious appetite these little critters have grown so big. What time of year do mosquitoes come back? Mosquito […]

Why Patna receives more rainfall than?

Why Patna receives more rainfall than? Patna receives heavier rain than Delhi because Patna lies to the east of Delhi and the amount of rain decreases as the winds(Bay of Bengal current) advances towards the north west. Why Patna receives heavier rainfall than Agra? ↪Patna gets heavier rainfall than agra because Patna receives heavier rain […]

What did Great Britain do after ww1?

What did Great Britain do after ww1? The British Empire England had ruled them for the next 700 years. After 1918 Britain gained territory from Germany in Africa making British rule continuous from Cape Town to the Suez Canal and they promptly built a railway northwards to the Mediterranean to prove it. What did Great […]

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