What does a black cloud with rain mean?

What does a black cloud with rain mean?

Black clouds usually indicate that rain is imminent because the cloud is saturated with moisture.

What kind of clouds produce rain?

The prefix “nimbo-” or the suffix “-nimbus” are low-level clouds that have their bases below 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) above the Earth. Clouds that produce rain and snow fall into this category. (“Nimbus” comes from the Latin word for “rain.”) Two examples are the nimbostratus or cumulonimbus clouds.

What are dark clouds associated with?

Nimbostratus clouds form a dark gray, wet looking cloudy layer associated with continuously falling rain or snow. They often produce precipitation that is usually light to moderate….

Clouds with Vertical Growth Cumulus Cumulonimbus
Special Clouds Mammatus Lenticular Fog Contrails

What does it mean when you see a dark cloud?

It indicates that the cloud has enough moisture to absorb all the light passing through them from above or that sunlight is blocked by the sun setting over the horizon. You can also have other clouds blocking much or all sunlight before it can get to the dark cloud.

Why does a rain cloud look gray in the sky?

The particles on the underside of the rain cloud don’t have a lot of light to scatter to your eyes, so the base appears gray as you look on from the ground below. This effect becomes more pronounced the larger the water droplets get — such as right before they’re large enough to fall from the sky as rain or snow —…

What kind of cloud is gray with no lightning?

A nimbostratus cloud or nimbostratus is a multi-level, gray, often dark, amorphous, nearly uniform cloud that usually produces continuous rain, snow, or sleet and no lightning or thunder.

How are storm gray clouds related to mood?

Storm gray clouds Clouds are connected to mood in life. Therefore, the color of the cloud is important. If you see fluffy white clouds that suddenly turn black or gray indicates that you may feel depressed.

What do nimbostratus clouds look like in the sky?

Weather prediction: Be prepared for continuous rain or snow! Nimbostratus clouds are dark, gray clouds that seem to fade into falling rain or snow. They are so thick that they often blot out the sunlight. Cumulus clouds look like fluffy, white cotton balls in the sky.

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