How many km is Canada from west to east?

How many km is Canada from west to east?

Longest distance from east to west: 5,514 km from Cape Spear, Newfoundland and Labrador, to the Yukon and Alaska boundary. Longest distance from north to south: 4,634 km from Cape Columbia (Ellesmere Island), Nunavut, to Middle Island (Lake Erie), Ontario.

How long is Canada from coast to coast?

Canada has the longest coastline in the world, with a total length of 243,042 kilometres (151,019 mi); additionally, its border with the United States is the world’s longest land border, stretching 8,891 kilometres (5,525 mi).

How many km of roads does Canada have?

1,042,300 km
There is a total of 1,042,300 km (647,700 mi) of roads in Canada, of which 415,600 km (258,200 mi) are paved, including 17,000 km (11,000 mi) of expressways (the third-longest collection in the world, behind the Interstate Highway System of the United States and China’s National Trunk Highway System).

What is the size of Canada?

9.985 million km²
Total area: 9,984,670 km2, the second-largest country in the world. Area north of the treeline: 2,728,800 km2, over 27% of Canada’s total area. Land border: 8,890-km border with the United States, the longest international border in the world.

Is Ontario bigger than India?

The Province of Ontario is; km / 415,598 sq mi. larger than France and Spain , combined. almost 1/3 the size of India. more than 3 times the size of Germany.

What’s the longest distance from east to West in Canada?

How long is the border between Canada and the United States?

Rainbow Bridge separates Niagara Falls, Ontario from Niagara Falls, New York. The Canada–United States border is the world’s longest international boundary. The boundary stretches for 5,525 miles (8,891 km) from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean to the west. It cuts across lakes, forests, glaciers, and towns.

How big is Canada compared to other countries?

This page has been archived on the Web. Total area: 9,984,670 km 2, the second-largest country in the world. Area north of the treeline: 2,728,800 km 2, over 27% of Canada’s total area. Land border: 8,890-km border with the United States, the longest international border in the world.

How long is Montana from east to West?

The southern portion of Montana is approximately 559 miles long (east to west). How was Canada east formed? Canada East and Canada West were the former Lower Canada and Upper Canada respectively.

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