What is the area code for Berhampur, Orissa?

What is the area code for Berhampur, Orissa?

STD code / area code / phone dial calling code for BERHAMPUR is 680, which is in BERHAMPUR in the state of ORISSA.

How to call Berhampur from any country in the world?

If you are in USA, UK, Australia, UAE, Saudi, or any other country in the world, you can call Berhampur landlines by simply dialing +91680 before the landline number. Plus (+) is the local international call prefix which is very important while making an international call. 91 is the country code of India.

Where to find the STD code of Berhampur?

Find Berhampur STD Code or Berhampur Telephone Access code number.Also find the location map of Berhampur City of Orissa. Maps of India – India’s No. 1 Maps SiteMaps of India – India’s No. 1 Maps SiteMaps of India – India’s No. 1 Maps SiteMaps of India – India’s No. 1 Maps Site

What is the elevation of Berhampur in India?

/ 19.32; 84.78 Berhampur ( bərɵmpu:r) also known as Brahmapur is a city on the eastern coastline of Ganjam district of the Indian state of Odisha in East India . The city is at 19° 20’ N Latitude 84° 50’ E Longitude. Its average elevation above mean sea level is 24m. The city is administered by the Berhampur Municipal Corporation (BeMC).

What is the population of Berhampur in India?

Census of India (provisional), the population of Berhampur was 355,823, of which 185,584 were males and 170,239 were females making it the fourth most populous urban city in Odisha state and 126th in India. The effective literacy rate of Berhampur was 90.04%, higher than the national average of 74.04%.

Which is the best language spoken in Berhampur?

The languages spoken in Berhampur is Odia Language. The effective literacy rate of Berhampur is 90.04%, higher than the national average of 74.04%. Male and female literacy rates are 93.83% and 85.92%, respectively. 8.2% of the population are children ages 0–6 years.

What are the city area codes in India?

India Dial Codes City Area Code Dialing Code Agartala 381 +91 381 Agra 562 +91 562 Ahmedabad 79 +91 79 Aizawl 389 +91 389

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