Why is population distribution not equal?

Why is population distribution not equal?

Social Factors: Social factors also affect the distribution and concentration of population. Where social customs and taboos are extreme, people tend to migrate to another place, so the density of population of that area changes. If the cultural milieu is the same, people like to live permanently at that place.

Why is population distribution low in mountain region?

The density of population in mountain region is very low because there are fewer facilities, no fertile soil, difficult topography, and less road connection.

What is population distribution in Nepal?

The 2019 population density in Nepal is 200 people per Km2 (517 people per mi2), calculated on a total land area of 143,350 Km2 (55,348 sq. miles).

Why is the distribution of population unequal in the mountain hilly and Terai regions of Nepal?

Therefore, people have more attraction in the terai region. Hilly region has moderate facilities, services and opportunities. Due to such differences directly felt by people, there exist an uneven population distribution in different geographical regions of Nepal.

Why is the population of Nepal not equally distributed?

If we look at the population distribution of Nepal, we find that the population is not equally distributed in all parts of the country. The distribution of the population is unequal due to the diversity in land structure, climate, soil and available natural resources and means.

What causes an unequal distribution of population in the world?

The main factors responsible for unequal distribution of the world population are as under: In many parts of the world, the density of population is high while in others it is very low. 1. Fertile Land: Human settlements on large scale are at places which are more fertile and where with less efforts the agricultural yield is more.

Why is rapid urbanisation a challenge in Nepal?

Managing rapid urbanisation in Nepal has become challenging due to uneven distribution of the urban population and there is rapid pace of urbanisation in major cities due to the availability of basic services and employment opportunities in the rural areas, states a report.

What are the three ecological regions of Nepal?

Proper management of population will help to maintain the quality of life. Skilled population bring development and make the country economically strong. Geographically, Nepal is divided into three ecological regions. They are Terai Region, Hilly Region, and Mountain Region.

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