How long does it take to sail from LA to Seattle?

How long does it take to sail from LA to Seattle?

The trip will take you anywhere between 2-4 weeks. The sailing distance is about 2,500 nm. Whether your boat is located in Seattle or San Francisco, the route is pretty much the same. But there are a couple of important things to know before departing.

How long would it take to sail from Washington to California?

Bottom line is you need a well outfitted boat and an experienced crew to make this journey. If you go offshore, you could do it in 12–14 days. Most folks will take a month and harbor hop as you go south.

How far can a small sailboat travel in one day?

If you ask how many nautical miles can you sail in a day, you should know that on average, sailboats can sail up to 100NM (that is 115 miles or 185km) in one day when they run downwind. If you use the engine, the distance can increase to 130NM if you travel longer.

How long does it take to sail from San Francisco Bay?

At a speed of 6 knots (conservative) you could get there in 73 hours non-stop. You are sailing in the shipping lanes, so you need to keep a good lookout and avoid fog. Summer = fog on the CA coast. It is almost impossible to do this without sailing overnight. What you want to plan to do is reaching your ports in the daytime.

Is it difficult to sail from San Francisco to Seattle?

Given his base is in Portland, OR, he’s done that voyage over 50 times by his calculation, and knows every port and cape as if it were his home cruising ground (which it is). I learned a lot sailing down with him. The short answer to Alon’s question is that it’s very difficult to sail from SF to Seattle, but not so difficult to go the other way.

How long does it take to sail from California to Hawaii?

So if you’re sailing the boat at around 6-8 knots for 18 hours a day, it will take you around 14 days to reach Hawaii.

How long does it take to sail from Seattle to Victoria?

Seattle to Victoria (Vancouver Island) 13.8 Of course, sailors rarely use a completely direct path from one point to another (either due to some tacking or to unintentional meanderings) and so, it would be wise to plan 1 or 2 hours on top of these estimates. And… before you untie the dock lines,…

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